初三英语Unit 3 The Media教案



Paragraph 5 Disadvantages of the Internet news 1. The Internet news is not as personal as TV news.

2. The sound and video are not good.

3.There are ads on websites.

Paragraph 6 Conclusion It’s hard to say which one is better.



1. My schoolbag is larger than________.

A. she B. her C. hers D. hers’

2. He's much ________ today, but she is even ________.

A. well, worse B. well, better C. better, ill D. better, worse

3. My aunt is very _______, but my uncle is much ________.

A. strong, strongest B. strong, stronger C. stronger, stronger D. strong, strong

4. We have ________ rain this year than last year.

A. plenty B. much C. plenty of D. more

5. He always makes his radio as _______ as possible .

A. louder B. loudly C. loud D. aloud

6. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing _____ these years than before.

A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quickly D. quicker

7. Hello, Mr. Green! I want to see you right now. Can you come as _____ as possible?

A. quick B. soon C. late D. can

8. A: Jane, it’s time to go to school. Get up and have breakfast.

B: But I am not feeling _____. I don’t feel like eating anything.

A. bad B. good C. well

9. It’s ____ to teach a man fishing than to give him fish.

A. more B. better C. good D. best

10. Bill jumped _____ than any other player in the sports meeting.

A. tall B. taller C. high D. higher

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Where do you get the news about what _________ (happen) now in the world?

2. You mustn’t read it. It is a ______________ (person) letter.

3. Can you find the ____________ between news on TV and news on the Internet? (different)

4. You can join in a ____________ on many new sites. (discuss)

5. The newspaper is _____________ as expensive as that one. (two)

6. He draws even ______________ than his father. (well)

7. This text is far _____________________. (interesting)

8. News Today does not cover as _______________ as News Time. (much)

III. 用所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空

1. Which runs________ (fast), a cheetah or a kangaroo?

2. Mr.Zhang speaks ________(clear) of all the teachers.


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