初三英语Unit 3 The Media教案



1. 三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较用最高级。其结构是:the+最高级+范围

Peter is the cleverest boy in our class.

Which is the most interesting movie you have seen?

Who is the youngest of all the teachers in your school?

2. 形容词的最高级前表示‘第几’,用the+序数词+形容词的最高级+名词

Mike was the second tallest basketball player in our school.

3. 形容词的最高级前有物主代词时,不再加the

He showed me his best stamp collection.


1. You can move from one news site to other sites with similar information.

similar to sb./sth.

We have very similar interests.

Gold is similar in color to brass.

2. On average, I look at news websites twice as often as TV programs.

On average, there are about 10 classes in Grade 1 every year.

3. However, some news channels are on TV all day and so, in this way, they are the same as Internet websites.

the same as 表示和……一样,相当于as…as

This book is the same as that one.

These pens are not the same as the others.

4. Websites sometimes have short videos but often these are too large to open.

She is too exc ited to speak.

You are too young to go to school.

5. at any time

This is a 24-hour fast food restaurant. You can go there at any time.

You can call me at any time.

6. at certain times

The news is on TV only at certain times, so it is not as recent as the Internet news.

7. instead of

Could I have chicken instead of pork?


Paragraph1 General introduction Let’s compare two types of news.

Paragraph2 Advantages of TV news 1.See and hear real people.

2. The pictures and sound are better.

3. Someone has already chosen the most important news.

Paragraph3 Disadvantages of TV news 1. TV news is not as recent as the Internet news.

2. TV news programs have ads.

Paragraph 4 Advantages of the Internet news 1. You can see them at any time.

2. The news is updated all the time.

3. It’s easy to find similar information.

4. You can comment or join in a discussion.


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