


2015年寒假即将到来,家长在在寒假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初中三年级英语寒假作业参考,供大家参考。




Lu Han was born in Beijing in April 20, 1990, who is a singer and dancer. Because of his outstanding appearance, he was discovered by SM Entertainment Company while shopping in Myeong Dong in South Korea. In 2010 he entered the SM Company to become its practice. On December 27, 2011 he first appeared through the EXO website. On April 8, 2012 he appeared to the public officially in the group of EXO. The EXO is one of the most pop music groups in Asia. His handsome looking, stage str ength in singing and dancing, excellent personal charm won many fans’love. He was the only one of the EXO who was good both at singing and dancing. In his spare time, he likes playing magic cube and also does well in football and basketball. On 10th October, 2014, he terminated the agreement(合约) with SM and then went back to China. Now the 24-year-old young man had his first try at acting. He started in the Chinese movie Returning to the 20s. In the movie, a 70-year-old woman becomes back to 20 again and plays in a band with her grandson. Lu Han played the role of the grandson. Another good news for the fans is that he is said to be invited to the Spring Festival Gala for 2015.

( )46.Where did Lu Han use to work as a singer?

A. In America. B. In UK. C. In Japan. D. In Korea.

( )47.What’s Not TRUE according to the passage?

A. Lu Han is still on the EXO music group. B. He likes playing football and basketball.

C. He will attend the Spring Festival Gala for 2015. D. Returning to 20s is his first acting in movies.

( )48. The underlined word terminated probably means ______.

A. continued B. bring…to an end C. put off D. set up


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