


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇九年级英语寒假作业阅读理解试题精选,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!



This questionnaire is about your hobby. We want to know the relationship between your hobby and your job. You needn’t tell us your real name, but please answer the following questions honestly. Thanks a lot for your cooperation(合作).

★Are you a man or a woman?

□man ■woman

★What is your job?

□teacher □worker □student ■lawyer(律师) □others

★How old are you?

□under 10 □11~20 ■21~30 □31~40 □above 40

★How much do you make a month?

□under 1,000 yuan □1,000—3,000 yuan ■3,000-5,000 yuan □above 5,000 yuan

★What do you usually do on holidays?

□watch TV □go shopping □climb mountains □ride bikes ■play ball games □see movies □others

★How much do you want to spend for your hobby?

□none □under 200 ■200—500 □above 500

( )56. What is the paper about?

A. One’s job. B. One’s hobby.

C. The relationship between one’s job and hobby. D. Money.

( )57. What does the woman usually do on holidays?

A. She usually does some shopping. B. She usually rides bikes.

C. She usually climbs mountains. D. She usually plays ball games.

( )58. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. She doesn’t want to spend any money on sports. B. She likes to climb mountains.

C. She is a young lawyer. D. She is only 35 years old.


Reading is an important activity for many Americans. Today, thousands of men, women and children are members of groups to discuss the books they read.

No one knows how many Americans belong to reading groups called book clubs. Yet publishers(发行人) and bookshops report that more and more throughout the United States are joining the clubs.

Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people who live near each other. Or, they may be people who work together.

Book clubs may be for only women or only men. Or, they can be for husbands and wives together. Some are family groups where parents attend with their children. Children may belong to book clubs of their own.

Some book clubs in the United States are for husbands and wives. One woman says this is a great idea for a book club. She says husbands and wives often talk to each other only about their children, work, or money problems. "Talking about books," she says, "opens a whole new level of communication."

American children belong to book clubs, too. They may be as young as four years old or as old as eighteen. Some children's clubs get help from the Great Book Foundation (基金). This educational organization provides lists of books to read. It also trains people to lead discussions about the books.

( )59. It is reported that _____ in the United States.

A. reading is important for men

B. a lot of people are joining book clubs

C. all the people are reading their books

D. fewer and fewer people in the USA are joining the clubs

( )60. Most book clubs want their members ______.

A. to read the same book at the same time

B. to buy a lot of books at the same time

C. to read different books at the same time

D. to read as many books as they can


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