


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇九年级英语寒假作业试题之语法测试题,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!

56. She was seen ___________( clean) the room an hour ago.

57. The old house ____________( blow) down in the heavy rain last week.

58. I can’t decide whether ___________( dig) or not.

59. The windows of our classroom _______________(clean) once a week.

60. He __________ ( not come) back from the farm yet .

61. I have a lot of work _____________( do) today.

62. There is some work _____________(do) today.

63. There are some books _____________( return).

64. They tried to prevent such a thing ____________(happen) .

64. We are told ___________( not copy) other’s homework.

65. My pen ________(drop) on the ground when I ____________(walk) in the park.

66. It’s best ____________( climb) hills in spring.

67.The best time for __________(plant) tress is spring.

68. Look, he ____________(tie) a tree to the stick.

69. Rice ___________(grow) in the south of china .

70. The old man ___________(knock) down by a car and was badly hurt.

71. Either Lily or Lucy __________( go) to Beijing already.

72. None of the teachers in our school _____________(go) abroad.

73. Each of them ____________( finish) the homework already.

74. Hurry up, The film ____________( begin) in a few minutes.

75. The yellow hen __________( lay) an egg now.

76. We all know that America ______________( discover) by Columbus.

77. No eating ,drinking or smoking _____________( allow) in the classroom.

78. They kept on __________(ask) the teacher strange questions .

79. She found herself ___________(lie) in the hospital when she woke up.

80. When I got there , They _____________(finish) watching TV.

81. After ________( check) out all the information , she made a decision.

82 I didn’t know if he _____________(come) tomorrow.

83. They all knew that there __________(be) a chemistry exam in a few days.

84. I wasn’t sure whether it ____________( snow) the next day.

85. The teaching building ____________( build) three years ago.

86. The teaching building ____________( build) in a few months


1. When I got there , They _____________(finish) watching TV.

2. I wasn’t sure if it ____________( snow) the next day.

3. They kept on __________(ask) the teacher strange questions.

4. The teaching building ____________( build) three years ago.

5. Each of them ____________( finish) the homework already.


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