


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇人教版九年级英语寒假作业,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!


I. 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分6分)


A               B                  C

1.       2.       3.


A                B                 C

4.       5.       6.


7.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. At school.   B. In a store.     C. In a restaurant.

8.When was Kate ill?

A. T uesda y.    B. Wednesday.    C. Thursday.

9.Why is the woman studying English?

A. Because her English is good.    B. Because she likes English.

C. Because she wants to get a good job.

10. How long has Mr Smith been in China?

A. Three weeks.                      B. Less than four weeks.

C. About a month.

11.What’s the English teacher’s phone number?

A. It’s 62167305.   B. It’s 62167705.  C. It’s 62163705.

12.What’s the weather like in Shanghai these days?

A. It’s raining.     B. It’s cloudy.       C. It’s snowing.

13.How is the woman’s father?

A. He is ill.          B. He is unhappy.  C. He is very well.

14.Who is older?

A. Tom.   B. John.              C. Mary.

Ⅲ.听短文,判断句子正(T) 误 (F)。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分6分)

15. The old farmer was going to sell his horse (马) because it was too sick.

16. The market was quite near, so they walked instead of riding on the horse.

17. The old farmer was too tired to walk on, so he rode on the horse.

18. Two old ladies thought it was the boy not the farmer who should ride on the horse.

19. When the boy was riding on the horse, a young lady stopped them.

20. The farmer took two old men’s advice and rode on the horse with his son.



1.The potato chips are c      and delicious.

2.The oranges taste s     .I don’t like them.

3.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water p      a pleasant smell.

4.Many a      inventions were on display in the museum.

5.The chef s      a lot of salt on them so they’re really salty.

Ⅱ.用括号里所 给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)

6. We had a _________ (please) evening at Susan’s home.

7. Do you know who ________ (discover) Africa?

8. It’s ______(use ) for scooping really cold ice cream.

9. The light bulb is one o f Edison’s ________ (invent).

10. A good dictionary is very __________(help) to us.


11.What do people use the pen to do? (改为被动语态)

What _______ the pen ______ to do by people?

12 .The workers were made to finish the work at once by the manager. (改为主动语态)

The manager _____ the workers _____ the work at once.

13.He is the man called Bob. (改为定语从句)

He is the man        ______ _________ Bob.

14.We often hear Lily sing in the room. (改为被动语态)

Lily is often _____ ______ _____ in the room.

15.Was the machine invented by Tom?She wasn’t sure.(合并为一句)

She wasn ’t sure       the machine                        Tom.


l6. —What happened to him last night?

—He was badly hurt.The doctor operated       him at once and he      .

A. with;was saved     B. on;saved     C.on;was saved   D.with;saved

17. —What are safety glasses used for?

—Oh,they are used_______protecting your eyes.

A.from              B. by         C.to    D.for

18. —Susan,why are you still here?They are all ready to start.

—I’m sorry,but I _______when to start.

A. was told       B. told         C.tell      D.wasn’t told

19. The telephone______Bell many years ago.

A.invented                       B.was invented

C.was invented by              D.invented by

20. —The soup tastes very______.

—Maybe I added too much______just now.

A.salt; salt         B.salty; salty       C.salt;salty       D. salty; salt


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