


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇人教版新目标九年级英语寒假作业,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!



1.A. chair                 B.charity                   C.challenge

2. A. snacks               B.snakes                    C.slight

3. A. parents               B.pants                    C.present

4. A. public                B.clubs                    C.pupil

5. A. picture               B.picnic                    C.public


6.A.Don’t say that.           B.I’m sorry to hear that.       C.I’m sad.

7. A.Thank you.             B.I’m happy.                C.I am sure.

8. A.Yes,I’d love.          B.Yes,I’d like to.             C.Yes,please.

9. A.About math.            B.Chinese.                  C.Home.

10.A.Yes,I did.           B.I took a bus.       C.I remember.


11.What was the husband like?

A.He was small and thin.     B.He was large and fat.       C.He was tall and strong.

12.When did the man get his pay?

A.Every month.             B. Every day.                C.Every Friday.

13.What was his wife doing when the man hurried into the living room?

A.Listening to the radio and eating apples.

B.Watching TV and waiting for her husband.

C.Listening to music and cleaning the room.

14. How did the husband get the ten thousand dollars?

A.H e saved the money little by little.       B.He bought the lottery tickets.

C.He found the money in his office.

15.Why was his wife angry with him?

A.He got ten thousand dollars.            B.He bought the lottery tickets.

C.She thought he hadn’t given her all the money.


You may ask what Christmas means. Christmas Day is the   16   of Jesus Christ. When Christ was   17   nearly two thousand years ago,many people,rich and poor,gave him presents. So today people   18   do the same thing with each other. When children wake up early on Christmas Day morning,they cannot wait to open the   19   in their stockings and under the tree. After all the presents are opened,the children and their family have a    20    breakfast,then they enjoy the clay playing with the new toys or visiting their relatives and friends.



1.What would you do if you h      your knee?

2.Cold running water helps t       a small burn.

3.If you want to open  the door,p      the lock hard first.

4.The w       often shows on his face.

5.Everyone  has a c      of good friends in middle school.

Ⅱ.用括号里所  给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)

6.The old man was very kind and      (help).

7.A good      (listen) will not annoy others.

8.The doctor gave the man a      (medicine) examination.

9.You must ask for      (permit) if you want to go home early.

10.If you were more      (friend) to others, you would have more friends.


11.If I were late for school,I would say sorry to my teacher.(就画线部分提问)

you      if you were late for school?

12.I don’t like coffee in the slightest.(改为同义句)

I don’t like coffee             .

13.She goes shopping once a week.(就画线部分提问)

does she go shopping?

14.I’d like to talk to a person.The person looks friendly.(合并为一句)

I’d like to talk to a person              friendly.

15.I don’t tell her what she should wear. (改为同义句)

I don’t tell her                     .

Ⅳ.单项填空 (每小题1.5分,满分15分)

16.The local government encourages people to plant      trees every year.

A.thousand of     B.three thousands     C.thousands of      D.three thousands of

17.      we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?

A. What about     B.What if           C.How             D.What for

18.Buses can slide on icy roads,but one of the workers came up      a good idea to solve this problem.

A.with           B.at                C.on               D.from

19.He has      friends here except me,but he doesn’t feel      .

A.many;alone     B.few;lonely         C.much;lonely       D.some;alone

20.We should have        in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.

A.success        B.confidence         C.progress           D.knowledge

21.There are      books on the shelf.

A.plenty of       B.a lot              C.a plenty of          D.a good many of

22.Miss Yang always helps others.She is very     .

A.careful          B.grateful           C.useful               D.helpful

23. Students      not allowed to leave the classroom at that time.

A.are             B.have             C.was                D.were

24.I      read some good books than watch a bad TV program.

A.would rather     B.would like        C.had better            D.prefer to


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