



一.  听力理解(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)



5. A. It’s Sunday.    B. It’s September.   C. It’s red. Xk   b1. Com

6. A. Yes, I will.     B. Yes, I can.     C. No, I’m not.

7. A. It’s beautiful.   B. It’s big.         C. No, it isn’t.

8. A. He’s better.     B. I’m here.       C. She’s twelve.

9. A. Yes, please.     B. I don’t like orange.      C. It’s cheap.

10. A. She’ s kind.     B. She’s cooking.         C. She’s a teacher.

11. A. To the park.     B. With my dog.         C. I was walking.

12. A. Yes, he is.       B. Once a week.         C. Last night.

13. A. Yes, it is.        B. No, it can’t.          C. It’s new.

14. A. She’s drinking now.    B. She likes dancing.       C. She’s tall with long hair.


15. What can Mike do?

A. He can ride a bike.        B. He can swim.         C. He can drive a car.

16. How mangy chairs are there in Betty’s classroom?

A. 30.                     B. 45.                 C. 50.

17. What does the woman want to do?

A. To read some books.       B. To borrow some books.   C. To buy some newspapers.

18. Why didn’t Tom come to school yesterday?

A. His father was ill.         B. He was ill.            C. His mother was ill.

19. What’s the weather like now?

A. Cloudy.                 B. Rainy.                C. Snowy.

20. What are they going to make for Jack?

A . A cake.                 B. A toy.                  C. A model ship.

21. Where is Jerry’s T-shirt?

A. On the bed.              B. On the table.            C. In the living room.

22. What’s the man going to do?

A. To see a film.             B. To hold a party.          C. To have a swim.

23. When will the speakers meet?

A. At 6:30.                  B. At 7:00.                C. At 7:30.

24. Where’s the woman from?

A. Australia.                B. Japan.                  C. China.



25. What’s Lingling doing?

A. Reading a storybook.           B. Listening to music.        C. Watching TV.

26. What’s Peter interested in?

A. Stamps.                      B. Movies.                 C. Animals.

27. Who will go with Peter?

A. Lingling.                     B. Peter’s mother.           C. Peter’s sister.


28. How were Mr Wang’s classes?

A. Boring.                       B. Bad.                   C. Interesting.

29. Which of the following is NOT talked about in the passage?

A. Mr Wang visited his students’ home.

B. Mr Wang bought useful books for his students.

C. Mr Wang asked his students to listen carefully in class.

30. What did Mr  Wang promise to do in the last class?

A. To see his students soon.

B. To stay with his students.

C. To play with his students.

二. 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)

(   )31. —Excuse me, do you know          ?

—I'm sorry. I am new here.

A. where is the nearest bus station    B. where the nearest bus station is

C. where the nearest bus station was   D. where was the nearest bus station

(   )32.—When was your cousin born?

—____ May 16, 1992.

A. On       B. At     C. In      D. For

(   )33.—Professor Wang ______ to give us a talk next week.

—Really? That’s good news.

A. will invite    B. is going to invite    C. will be invited   D. has invited

(   )34.—Does his mother encourage him _____the piano?

—Of course she does.

A. to play       B. playing       C. play        C. plays

(   )35.—____ was the score of the match?

—64 points to 48.

A. How many    B. How much     C. Which    D. What

(   )36.—Did they _____ the final game?

—Sorry, I have no idea.

A. beat     B. defeat     C. win     D. look

(   )37.—What do you think of the match?

—It was ____ exciting that we were all excited about it.

A. so    B. very     C. too    D. quite

(   )38.English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks     B. are spoken    C. is speaking      D. is spoken

(   )39.—Look! The tree is growing well. When _______?

—Three years ago.

A. was it planted    B. did it plant     C. will it be planted   D. is it planted

(   )40.—Do you think Frank will be chosen to _____ his class at the school sports

meeting?  —Yes, I think so.

A. stand         B. influence       C. reply      D. represent


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