




I. 听对话,选出与所听对话相符的图片。(每段对话读两遍;每小题1分,共5分)

1. What is the girl looking for?

A                       B                      C

2. How will he go to Beijing next month?

A                         B.                     C .

3. Where did Jim go last Sunday?

A.           B.        C.

4. Why couldn’t the man sleep well?

A.                   B.                   C.

5. Which sign are the speakers talking about?

A.          B.         C.

II. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(每个句子读两遍;每小题1分, 共5分)

6. A. I like English. B. English is easy for me. C. By making dialogues with my desk mate.

7. A. It is Alice.            B. It might be Kathy’s.   C. It is useful.

8. A. Me, neither.           B. I disagree.           C. It’s safe.

9. A. I think so.             B. I enjoy it a lot.       C. I’m sure.

10. A. Yes, I’d love to.       B. Don’t worry.       C. I do, too.

III. 听短对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍;每小题1分; 共5分)

11. A. To go shopping.    B. To do some cleaning.   C. To go skating.

12. A. By bus.          B. By bike.       C. On foot.

13. A. It’s red.          B. It’s green.      C. It’s blue.

14. A. At 8:05.           B. At 8:10.       C. At 8:15.

15. A. A doctor.         B. A teacher.      C. A nurse.

IV. 听长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍;每小题1分; 共5分)


16. What are the speakers talking about?

A. David’s mother.     B. David’s math.    C. David’s class.

17. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Neighbors.         B. Husband and wife.     C. A parent and a teacher.


18. Where did the woman go last year?

A. Hong Kong.         B. Singapore.        C. Beijing.

19. What does the woman think of Singapore?

A. Crowded.           B. Clean.           C. Not interesting.

20. Which place does the woman think more interesting, Singapore or Hong Kong?

A. Singapore.         B. Hong Kong.        C. She doesn’t talk about it.

V. 听短文,根据短文内容填空,词数不限。(本段短文读两遍;每小题1分; 共5分)

Information Form

Mary’s   21   holiday

Morning   22  with her parents;

Doing homework for   23  .

Afternoon   Going to the   24   class.

Evening   Walking her dog;

25  at 8:30 pm.


I.  单项填空(每小题1分,共15

(  )26.----Where is Beth ? ----She       to her hometown .

A. has gone     B. has been    C. went    D. have gone

(   )27. –Could you tell me      Fairmont ?   ---The day after tomorrow . I think.

A. when will you visit     B. when you will visit   C. when would you visit  D. when you would visit

(   )28.—He      to school by bike but now he      to school on foot .

A. used to going ; get used to go       B. used to go ; gets used to going

C. used to go  ; gets used to go        D. gets used to going  ; gets used to go

(   )29. –Zhou Jielun is so cool . I’m his fan. ---

A. So do I     B. So I do     C. So am  I  D. So I am

(   )30.Whith the help of the government, many poor Children can get chances        to school.

A. go     B. to go     C. goes    D. going

(   )31.Japan is a       country while china is a       country.

A. developing  ; developed   B. developing ; developing  C. developed; developing D. developed ; developed

(   )32.In china about      of people live in the country.

A. three fifth    B. third fifth    C. third fifths  D. three fifths

(    )33. Maria has never been to Shanghai.       ?

A. isn’t she    B. hasn’t she    C. has she   D. is she

(    )34.---Why do you come here?   ---We are here to      the public      services.

A. provide ; to   B. provide ; with    C. provide ;  for     D. provide  ; in

(   )35.HuMing      for about two yeas.

A. has joined the army   B. has been a soldier   C. was a soldier   D. joined the aumy

(   )36. I have      the Great wall twice . It is an        place.

A. been to  ; excited   B. gone to ; exciting    C. been to ; exciting  D. gone to ; excited

(   )37.My English is very poor. I can’t learn it well      you help me .

A. if    B. unless    C. while     D. when

(   )38.Lily told John      for class again next time ,

A. not late     B. don’t he late    C. didn’t late     D. not to be late

(   )39. ----What did Ann ask you just now , Tom?    --- She asked      for the bike.

A. did I pay how much   B. I paid how much   C. how much did I pay  D. how much I paid

(   )40.----Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow? ----    It has rained for ten days . It’s too wet every where.

A.I hope not   B. I’m sure it is     C. I’m afraid to will     D. I hope so .


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