



一. 单项选择 20%

1. The book ________ to be one of the greatest books in the world.

A. think  B. thinks  C. thought    D. is thought

2. __________ I know, he has gone to Shanghai.

A. As      B. As far as      C. So far     D. So far as

3. I prefer ________ some shopping to ______ camping since the weather isn’t lovely.

A. do, going       B. doing, go        C. do, go      D. doing, going

4. She is ______ nervous ______ she can’t talk in front of the class.

A. such, that      B. too, to       C. so, that     D. enough, to

5. The teacher often encourages the students ________ hard.

A. to work        B. work        C. working      D. to working

6. Some flowers _______ in our school next month.

A. will plant       B. have planted       C. was planted    D. will be planted

7. I want to _________ the Olympics. What about you?

A. join           B. take part in       C. be joined      D. take part

8. The TV ________ off already. The music is from the radio.

A. has turned      B. turned        C. has been turned     D. was turned

9. Air must _______ fresh all the time .

A. keep          B. is kept        C. be kept        D. been kept

10. ______ some traffic rules _______ necessary, or something bad will happen to you.

A.Obey, are       B. Obey, is       C. Obeying, are      D. Obeying, is

11.-----Why don’t you buy the computer?    ----It’s too expensive. I can’t ________ it.

A. afford        B. sell        C. borrow      D. keep

12. The famous scientist’s name is familiar ______ most Chinese.

A. into          B. for         C. in          D. to

13. You can’t shout. Look at the sign “_________”

A. No entry       B. No photos      C. No shouting     D. No smoking

14.The problem is hard for me. Please _________.

A. work it out      B. work them out     C. work out it     D. work out them

15.The boy read the article ________ and found something important in it.

A. careful enough     B. carefully enough     C. enough careful     D. enough carefully

16.Tom as well as his parents _________ to play tennis every Sunday.

A. go        B. goes      C. have gone     D. has gone

17. He provided food and clothes _________ his family.

A. with      B. of      C. on      D. for

18. We should __________ students __________ computer games.

A. stop, from     B. stop, from play     C. stop, from playing    D.keep, from doing

19. My parents go to work by bike ________ by bus.

A. instead       B. instead of      C. but     D. and

20 . Let’s try to our best to _______ paper to save the trees.

A. use         B. make        C. recycle      D. waste

二 完形填空10%

We all need a    1    environment, but we produce waste every day and it does  2    to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real ___3__ to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.   Remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.


Reduce means “use   4  ”. Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment.  5   we buy something new, think whether it is really   6  ---- or maybe the old one will be just as good!


7   means “use again”. Use things for as   8  as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them   9  they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.

Recycle   Recycle  _10   “change things into something else”.

1.  A. health     B.healthy      C. unhealthy       D. unhealthily

2.  A. harmful    B. harm       C. good           D. well

3.  A. difference      B. different   C. differences    D. difficult

4.  A. less        B. more       C. few            D. little

5.  A. Until      B. While       C. Before          D. After

6.  A. necessary    B. need       C. well            D. wasteful

7.  A. Reduce       B. Reuse     C. Recycle        D. Retell

8.  A. long         B. short       C. longer          D. shorter

9.  A. so that        B. in order to  C. so ……that     D. too……to

10.  A. means        B. mean     C. calls           D. called


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