


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇九年级英语寒假作业检测试题,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!



(    )1.A. On Friday afternoon.  B. Mr. Zhang is.  C. By going over the notes.

(    )2.A. This is a new bike.  B. It must be Ted's.  C. The bike is very nice.

(    )3.A. Thank you.  B. Much better.  C. Congratulations.

(    )4.A. I can't do it.  B. I met my friend last night.  C. I'd call the police.

(    )5.A. I think so.  B.They like cartoons.  C. They are at home.

(    )6.A. Jim is short now.  B. Yes, but now he is tall. C. Jim has long hair now.


(    )7. Whose book must it be?

A. Peter's.             B. Pierre's.     C. Porter's.

(    )8. What subject does Dick like better now?

A. Math.               B. Physics.     C. Politics.

(    )9. What's wrong with the man?

A. He has a fever.          B. He has a bad cold.    C. He has a toothache.

(    )10. What would Mike do if he had much free time?

A. Find a part-time job.   B. Travel around the world.    C. Make much more money.

(    )11. What will Tony do on weekends?

A. Go shopping.         B. Play basketball.    C. Play baseball.

(    )12. How does Dave learn geography?

A. By doing books.      B. By doing exercises.    C. By reading maps.



(    )13. What does the woman think of the city?

A. It's nice.   B. There are too many people.    C. It's very big.

(    )14. What has happened to the woman?

A. She's fatter than before.

B. She's tired of the food.

C. She misses her family.

(    )15. How does the woman like the weather?

A. Very nice.            B. Not good.

C. Better than that in her country.


(    )16. Who visited the woman last night?

A. A stranger.           B. The woman's neighbor.    C. A cat.

(    )17. When did the woman hear the knock

A. When she was cooking her supper.   B. After she had her supper.

C. Before she had her supper.

(    )18. Whose cat was it?

A. The man's.            B. The woman's.     C. Someone else's.


(    )19. Where does this conversation happen?

A. On the way to school.    B. At school.              C. In a hospital.

(    )20. What's wrong with Tom?

A. His bike was broken.  B. His leg was hurt.       C. His neck was hurt.

(    )21. What did he have to do with his problem?

A. He had an operation   B. He took some medicine C. He stayed in bed.

(    )22. Who will help Tom with his lessons?

A. Ann.                  B. The doctor.             C. Tom.


(    )23. Why did Mr. Green go around the school?

A. To enjoy the quiet school.

B. To see if the students were listening to their teachers.

C. To find the new teacher.

(    )24. Which class is noisy?

A. Class 1 ,Grade 2.      B. Class 1 , Grade 1.       C. Class 2 ,Grade 1.

(    )25. Why did Mr. Green catch the tall boy?

A. Because Mr. Green knew him.

B. Because Mr. Green wanted to talk with him.

C. Because Mr. Green thought he made the noise.


第一节 单项选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


(    )26. — Could you please wash my car, Tom? — OK. I’ll do it in a minute.

A. just now B. for a minute  C. right away  D. with a minute

(    )27. I don’t like the movie in the slightest.

A. either   B. in this way     C. in common  D. at all

(    )28. Doctor Li has come up with lots of ways to solve the white pollution.

A. thought over B. thought of     C. thought about  D. think up.

(    )29. You are a hard-working girl. I hope your dream will come true.

A. your dream may belong to you    B. you will change your dream

C. you will achieve your dream    D. you will break your dream

(    )30. I’ve been with the two classes for a year.

A.a year ago  B.before a year  C.since a year ago  D.since a year


(    )31. Most of us learn English by            English movies.

A. to watch  B. watching   C. watched   D. watches


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