





1.far(最高级)______  2.wonder (形容词)_____  3.can(过去式)

4. 坐落于,位于_________   5.赶上,跟上_________


6.It is necessary for us to _________(练习)speaking English every day.

7. We are learning the _________(二十)lesson.

8. It is not easy to  ______________________( 打破世界纪录)

9.At the Olympics , athletes compete for m________             。    .

10. We can’t live w ________  a ir or water.

11 China is f ________ for the Great Wall in the world.

12.It is too heavy,I can’t  l       it.         .


13. As a teacher, I do my best ____________(teach) the students well.

14. We often see Li Ming __________ (carry) water for an old woman. How kind he is!

15. Mr. Black told us that he ____________ (visit) the Great Wall the next day.

16. Everyone wants to give the poor family a hand,___________(include) me.

17.  Go on working hard ,and you’ll be          ﹙success﹚

18. Our school is much________________(beautiful)than before.

19.-I’m getting fatter and fatter .What should I do?

You’d better eat ____    (little )food and take ____    (much) exercise .

20. Our school held a sports meet last week .He won a bronze medal in ___(shoot)

D. 选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项

(  )21. Why don’t you join us in the game?

A. What not   B. Why not   C. Why no   D. How do

(  )22. There are over 3,000 workers in this factory.

A. about   B. less than   C. more than   D. much more

(  )23. Please try  two more times.

A. another two    B. two another    C. other two    D. the other

(  )24. We all know that his father is able to swim well.

A. must    B. shall    C. can    D. may

(  )25. The old man had to stop his work because of his poor health.

A. give up    B. put up  C. look up     D. turn up


(  )26. Mary won in the ____ race last week.

A. woman’s 400-metres B. women’s 400-metre  C. woman’s 400-metre D. women’s 400-metres

(  )27. —I won the high jump yesterday.— ____

A. It’s a small thing.  B. That’s all    C. Good luck     D. Congratulations to you!

(  )28. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _________?

A. don’t they   B. didn’t they   C. did they   D. do they

(  )29.He was ___to hear the ___news.

A。amazing  amazing  B.amazed  amazing   C .amazed amazed   D .amazing amazed

(  )30. Mrs  Smith is _____ woman.

A. a eighty-years-old     B. a eight-year-old  C. an eighty-years-old  D. an eighty-year-old

(  )31. I don’t know if he ____   tomorrow . If he ___   , I’ll go swimming.

A. comes, come              B. will come ,doesn’t come

C. won’t come ,doesn’t come    D. will come , will come

(  )32. Why do you keep ___   all the time?

A. laugh       B. to laugh   C. laughed    D. laughing

(  )33. It will _________ you 15 hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.

A  spend       B  take       C  pay          D  cost

(  )34. Lucy writes as_________ as Lily.

A  careful       B  carefully    C  more careful    D  the most carefully

(  )35. --Where is Tom?  -- He _________home.

A  has been to   B  has been in  C  has gone to  D has gone

(  )36. --- _________ is the price of the coat? ---200 yuan.

A  How much     B  How many    C  How    D  What

(  )37. He prefers playing ____   football to playing ___    violin.

A. / , the   B. the, the   C. the , /    D. / , /

(  )38. I can’t believe ______ little girl can write _______ many books.

A. so, so    B. such, such  C. such a, so  D. so a, such

(  )39.____  you are ,_____   mistakes you’ll make .

A. The more carefully ,the fewer   B. More careful, less

C. carefully , few      D. The more careful, the fewer

(  )40. It’s very kind ________us .

A. for you to help  B. of you to help  C. for you helpin g  D .of you helping

三、 完型填空(10分,每题1分)

Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning 41   we get up, we do morning exercises.

After the second class we do exercises again. We only have   42  classes twice a week, but we do

physical training(锻炼)at five every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The 43  enjoy

playing it and many of the girls like it , too.  44 popular sport is football and in every class there are  45  football fans. Volleyball is often played when the    46   is fine. We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often   47  friendship matches with teams from other schools. Where is a match,   48  of us go to watch it and cheer our side. Besides(除……之外)ball games, some of us like track-and-field events(田径项目),  49  we often practise running, jumping and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year, we hold a  50  .

(   )41.    A. while      B. when   C. before   D. after

(   )42.    A. English    B. Chinese   C. P.E.    D. music

(  ﹚43.    A. teacher    B. boys      C. students   D. people

(   )44.    A. Some other  B. Other    C. Another    D. The other

(   )45.    A. a lot of     B. few      C. no        D. a few

(   )46.    A. team      B. class      C. weather    D. meal

(   )47.    A. see     B. have     C. look at    D. watch

(   )48.   A. several    B. few    C. a few    D. many

(   )49.   A. because    B. but    C. or     D. and

(   )50.  A. sports meet  B. place   C. game  D. trip



Olympia, a beautiful small town in the south of Greece, is well known all over the world for its first holding the Olympic Games as long as 776 BC. At that time the Games were held once every  four years. This custom lasted for about  1,170 years, but stopped with the rule of Rome in 394 AD.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 to promote(促进) the international understanding through players in Athens, Greece. The Olympic motto(箴言) is “ Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.Xu Hai feng made history by winning the People’s Republic of China’s first gold medal after the country reentered(再进入) the Olympic Competition in 1984.China made a record of 28 gold, 16 silver and 15 bronze medals in the 2000 Sydney Games in Australia, moving from the fourth rank(地位) in Atlanta to No.3 behind the U.S. and Russia. China made a record of 32 gold, 17silver, 14 bronze medals in the 2004 Athens, Greece, moving from the third rank in Sydney to No.2 behind the U.S. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.


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