新目标版八年级上册英语第二单元短语归纳:How often do you exercise?




Section A

1. how often 多久一次

2. read English books 看英语书

3. of course 当然

4. on weekends 在周末

5. go to the movies 去看电影

6. hardly ever 几乎不;不曾

7. every day 每天

once a day 每天一次

8.    twice a week 每周两次

three times a month 每月三次

9. use the Internet 上网

10. have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈和钢琴课

11. play tennis 打网球

12. help with housework 帮忙做家务

13. at least 至少,不少于

Section B

1. junk food 垃圾食品

2. drink milk 喝牛奶

3. three or four times a week 一周三到四次

4. eat fruit 吃水果

5. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

6. be good/bad for 对……有好处/坏处

7. go camping in the country 去乡下露营

8. play sports 做运动

9. one to three times a week 一周一至三次

10. such as 例如

11. fifteen percent of our students 我们百分之十五的学生

12. go to the dentist 去看牙医

13. more than 多于

14. less than 少于



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