


知识积累的越多,掌握的就会越熟练,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家编辑了精选初二英语下册期末知识点归纳,希望对大家有帮助。


1. foot---feet 脚 <复>   tooth---teeth 牙齿 <复>

2. have a cold 感冒

3. have a stomachache 胃疼

4. have a sore back背疼

5. have a sore throat喉咙疼

6. have a fever发烧

7. lie down and (have a)rest 躺下休息  have a rest 休息

8. hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶

9. see a dentist 看牙医  see a doctor 看医生

10.drink lots of water多喝水

11.lots of ,a lot of,  a lot

a lot of=lots of,可以修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词,一般用在肯定句中。:

There are lots of ( a lot of) books in our library.

There is a lot of water on the ground

a lot,是一个副词词组,跟动词连用;表示十分,很等意思;  Thanks a lot.

12. have a toothache牙疼

13. That’s a good idea好主意

14. go to bed 去睡觉 go to bed early 早上床睡觉

15. feel well感到好   feel ill 感到不舒服

I don’t feel well= I’m not feeling well


16. start doing/ to do sth开始做某事

TO DO是一件事情完成了,开始做另外一件事情


17. two days ago两天前

18. get some rest 多休息, 休息一会儿

19. I think so我认为是这样

20. be thirsty口渴

21. be hungry 饥饿

22. be stressed out紧张

23. listen to music听音乐

24. healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式

25. traditional Chinese doctors传统中医

26.need to do sth需要做某事

I have a toothache. I need to see a dentist.  我牙痛, 我需要去看牙医.

We need to keep our classroom clean. 我们需要保持教室的干净.

27. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡

28. for example例如

29. too much yin太多的阴, 阴气太盛

too much +不可数名词太多的

much too +/实在太极其,非常

too many +可数名词复数太多的

30.be good for sth./ doing sth. 对什么有益 ,对什么有好处

be bad for sth./ doing sth. 对什么有害

be good to 对…好

be good at =do well in 在……方面好,擅长

be good(bad) forbe good at的相关用法

1.be good for 对......有益

Doing morning exercises is good for your health.




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