



Teaching time : 一、重点词汇:


1.badly(反义词)well 2.shy(最高级)shyest

3.understand(过去式)understood 4.anxious(同义词)worried

5.satisfaction(形容词)satisfied 6.surprise(形容词)surprised

7.suggestion(动词)suggest 8.stranger(形容词)strange

9.advice(同义词)suggestion 10.either(反义词)too

11.humorous(名词)humor 12.sad(名词)sadness

13.unfair(反义词)fair 14.hit(过去式)hit


( 1 ) “be + 形容词+ 介词” 的结构:

be worried about 对……感到担心/ 焦虑

be anxious about 对……感到焦虑

be glad about 对……高兴

be nervous about 对……紧张

be strict with sb. 对某人严格

be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格

be patient with 对……耐心

be pleased / satisfied with 对……满意

be bored with 对……烦闷

be popular with 受……欢迎

be angry with/at sb. 对某人生气

be angry at/ about sth. 对某事生气

be surprised at 对……惊奇

be mad at 对……气愤

be excited at 对……兴奋

be interested in 对……有兴趣

be tired of 对……疲倦

be afraid of 对……害怕

( 2 ) 课文词组:

1. do badly in 在某方面表现很差

2. talk with sb. = have a talk with sb. 与某人谈一谈

3. over and over again 反复地; 一再

4. wait in line 排队等候

5. fall behind 落后

6. get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

7. at one’s age 在某人的年龄时

8. try to eat less high-energy food 少吃高能量的食品

9. calm down 冷静; 镇静

10. have bad experiences 有不好的经历

11. give…a hand 帮助

12. in one’s teens 在某人十几岁时

13. happen to sb. 发生

14. move to spl. 搬到某处

15. get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事

16. be / make friends with 与……交朋友

17. join in 参加(活动)

18. fit in 被他人接受;相处融洽

19. deal with 处理; 处置

20. fail to pass an exam = fail an exam 考试不及格

21. lose a friend or relative 失去一个朋友或亲戚

22. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

23. argue with sb. 与某人争论

24. have a normal life 过正常的生活



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