


这篇是由威廉希尔app 小编特整理的初二英语重点短语知识点总结归纳,适合同学们学习,也适合教师教学使用,供大家参考!

1. on time

2. best wishes

3. give a talk

4. for example

5. short for

6. a waste of time

7. go on a field trip

8. go fishing

9. I agree

10. next week

11. the day after tomorrow

12. have a picnic

13. have some problems doing sth.

14. go the wrong way15. hurry up

16. get together

17. in the open air

18. on Mid-Autumn Day

19. come over

20. have to

21. get home

22. agree with

23. in the country

24. in town

25. all the same



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