八年级上册英语:Best friends练习题



英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了Best friends练习题,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。


(   )1.—Does your friend live in ________ town?

—No. He lives in ________ countryside.

A./;/  B./;the

C.the;the  D.the;/

(   )2.—Do you like the ________ in the theater?

—No,they're hard and not comfortable.

A.meals  B.screens

C.lessons  D.seats

(   )3.Parents play an important role ________ their children's learning.

A.on  B.for  C.in  D.with

(   )4.Larry is much better at ________ than Jeff because he performs plays each year.

A.acting  B.act

C.singing  D.sing

(   )5.—What do you think of his teaching?

—No one teaches ________ than him.

A.good  B.well

C.better  D.the best

(   )6.She is the second ________ student in our class.

A.shortest  B.short

C.the shortest  D.most shortest

(   )7.People in this small village are all ________,but little Bill's family is ________ of all.


B.poor;the poorest

C.the poorest;the poorest


(   )8.—How does your father go to work?

—On foot.Our house is ________ his office.

A.far from  B.different from

C.similar to  D.close to

(   )9.The old man often ________ funny stories for the children.

A.cares about  B.brings out

C.makes up  D.feels like

(   )10.Winter is coming.The weather is getting ________.

A.cold and cold

B.colder and colder

C.the colder and the colder

D.the coldest and the coldest


A) 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

11.The air in the mountains is ________(清新的) and clean.

12.The ________(屏幕) of the computer is too bright.It's bad for your eyes.

13.There are too many people in the subway.It's really ________(拥挤的).

14.I am very hungry.Please ________(给) me something to eat.

15.John is a smart boy.He always has ________(创造性的) ideas.

B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

16.The little girl put the cup on the table ________(careful).

17.Let's go to Danny's.The food there is ________(cheap) than any other place in town.

18.Though our house is very small,it is very ________(comfortably).

19.Youyi Supermarket is the best in town.You can buy the ________(fresh) vegetables there.

20.There are all ________(kind) of books in the bookshop.


21.Wang Feng is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)

Wang Feng is ________ ________ student in his class.

22.I think Jason's is the best clothing store.(改为否定句)

I ________ ________ Jason's is the best clothing store.

23.This bookstore is less popular than that one.(改为同义句)

This bookstore is ________ ________ popular as that one.

24.I think Jack's restaurant has the best service.(改为同义句)

I think the service ________ Jack's restaurant ________ the best.

25.Jane sings more beautifully than the other students in her class.(改为同义句)

Jane sings ________ ________ ________ in her class.


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