精编八年级下学期英语《Time off》课后习题答案



要对知识真正的精通就必须对知识进行活学活用,下面是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的Time off课后习题答案,希望大家通过这个能真正的对知识灵活运用。

一. 单项选择:

1. — How did you finish the work so quickly?

—The computer helped me. It’s really _______ useful machine.

A. a    B. an   C. the   D. one

2. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25th _______ Christmas Day.

A. is    B. was   C. has been  D. will be

3. Help ______ to some fruit and vegetables, children.

A. you   B. your   C. yours   D. yourself

4. Let the children go away. They  are making too much _______ here.

A. noise   B. voice   C. noisy   D. sounds

5. “ I really don’t know ______ he still lives here,” said Tom.

A. where   B. what   C. when   D. whether

6. Many girls like ______ skirts in spring and summer.

A. wearing  B. dressing  C. putting on  D. dressing up

7. — _________ bad the weather is today! What shal l we do today?

—How about staying at home  and playing computer games?

A. What   B. How   C. What a  D. How a

8. He doesn’t like drawing, I don’t like it, _______.

A. too   B. either   C. also   D. neither

9. — How is your father? I ______ him for a long time.

— He is fine, but not busy.

A. don’t see  B. hadn’t seen  C. didn’t see  D. haven’t seen

10. Which of these do you like ______, pineapple, strawberry or kiwi fruit?

A. good   B. better   C. best    D. well

11. _______ comes from pigs and most people like eating it.

A. Wool   B. Mutton  C. Pork   D. Beef

12. — E xcuse me, is there a repair shop near here for computer?

— Well, turn left at the crossing, then you’ll find _______.

A. that   B. any   C. this   D. one

13. He _______ living in the country to the city.

A. likes   B. prefers   C. enjoy s   D. loves

14. If you don’t know the word, you can look _______ the word in a dictionary.

A. for   B. at    C. over   D. up

15. Hurry up! The play _______ for ten minutes.

A. has begun  B. had begun  C. had been on   D. began

16. — Have you bought that digital camera?

— No, I can’t afford it. The price is a bit too ________, I think.

A. low   B. high   C. cheap   D. expensive

17. Which of the following is not the water sports?

A. Skating .  B. Surfing.  C. Water polo.  D. Wind-surfing.

18. — Where is the students’ library?

— It’s the building which ______ now over there.

A. is built   B. was built  C. is being built D. has built

19. — Where does he come from, could you tell me?


—I asked where ________?

A. did he come from    B. he came from

C. he comes from    D. does he come from

20. — You look so young in red, Mrs. Yang.

— __________.

A. That’s all right B. Not at all  C. Thank you  D. I don’t mind

二. 用动词的适当形式填空:

1. I remember ________ (turn) off the light in my bedroom, but now it’s still on.

2. I tried __________ (not worry), but I phoned him once a day.

3. Don’t forget ________ (bring) your new camera tomorrow.

4. If the kid ________ (want) to fly a kite, we ________ (go) to the park.

5. If you __________(not have) a ticket, you _________ (not get) in.

6. If he __________ (be) late, __________ (not wait) for him.

7. We must clean and tidy the room when we finish _________ (paint).

8. It’s hard work to get everything ready on time ________(print).

9. If the car won’t start, try ________ (push) it.

10. Don’t forget _________(water) my flowers while I’m away.

11. I insisted that he ________ (go) at once.

12. If he ________(pass) the exam, his father ________ (buy) him a computer.

13. Certainly I posted your letter—I remember _________ (post) it.

14. She ________ (fall) in love with the house as soon as she saw it.

15. As he _________ (read) the newspaper, Granny went out quietly.

16. I look forward to ________ (receive) your reply as soon as possible.

17. They ________ (listen) to the teacher attentively (专心地) when the bell _______(ring).

18. We couldn’t decide whether ________ (buy) the red one or the blue one.

三.  句型转换:

1. If I go there, I’ll buy some flowers for my mothe r. (划线提问)

________  ________ you ________ for your mother if you go there?

2. You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up. (并列句)

_______  ________, _________ you’ll be late.

3. Leave the gym during the party. (否定句)

_______  ________ the gym during the party.

4. Mike does his best—he always works as hard as he can at school. (同义句)

Mike does his best—he always as _______ as_______ at school.

5. If you eat healthy food, your body and mind will work well. (否定句)

If you ________ eat healthy food, your body and mind _______ work well.


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