


英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了八年级英语unit6随堂测试,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。


21. You should keep        record of your expense.

A. a       B. an            C. the     D. that

22. —Has she had         for the job?

—Yes, she has taught English for more than 10 years.

A. enough experience       B. enough experiences

C. many experiences          D. much experiences

23. In our country the old         taken good care of.

A. be    B. is             C. are     D. being

24. Her mother is well because she often        .

A. smokes     B. exercises        C. sleeps     D. sings

25.         is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.

A. This     B. That            C. What     D. It

26. Mary lost her bag        school.

A. on her way to               B. on her way

C. in her way to                  D. in her way

27. This road is about         .

A. twenty metres tall            B. twenty metres thick

C. twenty metres long          D. twenty metres wide

28. He is         in basketball, but I am         in football.

A. interested; interesting       B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested         D. interesting; interesting

29. The boy is often made         pictures for hours by his mother.

A. to draw      B. to drawing      C. draw        D. drew

30. —How many English songs have you learned this term?

—        10.

A. At all       B. At once        C. At times    D. At least


Have you ever planted a few trees on Tree-planting Day? Every year, millions of people, both young and old,    31   a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make our home a  32   place.

Las t week we visited a park in Hebei province. We were   33   to find most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees   34   soon after they were planted because they weren’t watered well enough.   35   the workers burned them and cleaned the place for

36   trees to be planted this year.   37   a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote, “I hope this tree will grow up with me to   38   the backbone (栋梁) of our country.” The workers said that the survival of the trees was really more important than   39   trees were planted.

Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate some money and let professionals (专业人士) plant and   40   the trees.

31. A. water      B. plant          C. look for     D. burn

32. A. smaller    B. warmer        C. greener      D. larger

33. A. pleased     B. happy         C. interesting     D. surprised

34.  A. died    B. grew          C. bought     D. planted

35. A. Though     B. When         C. Because       D. So

36. A. few        B. old            C. new         D. dead

37. A. Over    B. From          C. On        D. Above

38. A. need    B. hold           C. plant       D. be

39. A. how many  B. when          C. how soon   D. why

40. A. take out    B. take down        C. take away    D. take care of



In 1638, John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books to a new university. This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University. The gift was so important that the university was named for John Harvard.

Thomas Bray began the first free lending library in the late 1600s. He set up more than 30 libraries in the American colonies. However, the idea for this kind of free library ended when Bray died in 1730. In 1731, Benjamin Franklin and some friends started the first subscription library in the United States. In a subscription library people pay money to become members, but they may borrow the books without paying again.

In the United States, every child had a free education. This idea soon led to free libraries. One of the first libraries that used tax money to buy books was a library in Peterborough, New Hampshire. This library was set up in 1833.

41. The main idea of the second paragraph is________.

A. Franklin started the first subscription library

B. in a subscription library people pay money to become members

C. Bray and Franklin were important in the history of public libraries

D. Bray died in 1730 and Franklin died in 1833

42. The underlined word “borrow” means_______.

A. read and write with no help from another person

B. use for a short time and then return

C. like very much

D. lend

43. The passage does not say it, but we can guess that_______.

A. there were free schools in the United States before there were free libraries

B. free schools and free libraries in the United States began at about the same time

C. the library in New Hampshire also had a free school in it

D. there were free libraries in the United States before there were free schools


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