


2016年暑假已经到来,家长在在暑假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初二年级英语下册基础知识词汇暑假作业题,供大家参考。

(     )1. I think____ important to learn English well.

A. this          B. that    C. it         D. you are

(     )2. The fans were very excited______ David Beckham came to the show.

A. so           B. because         C. but       D. and

(     )3. I hope my father____ ask me about my marks.

A. not          B. not to    C. won’t     D. don’t

(     )4 It’s your job________ the pop stars.

A. introduce     B. introducing

C. introduces  D. to introduce

(     )5. They’d like ___thank the people ___their help and support.

A. to; to  B. for; for        C. to; for      D. for; to

(     )6. —Have you finished the work?

—Not yet, but we'll keep ________ until we make it.

A. failed     B. trying      C. tried        D. failing

(     )7. My coat__________ there behind the door. Can’t you see it?

A. is hanged B. is hanging     C. hangs       D. has hung

(     )8. I don’t know ______ a show. Can you tell me?

A. how organize                   B. what organize

C. what to organize                 D. how to organize

(    ) 9.You can go out if your homework ______.

A. is done       B. will do

C. will be done    D. are finished

(    )10. —I was told t o be here befo re eight.

—Oh, you_______. I’m sorry for not telling you we have changed the plan.

A. must  B. can’t         C. may           D. needn’t

(    )11. —Did you go to Jim' s birthday party?

—No, I_____________.

A. am not invited  B. wasn't invited

C. haven't invited  D. didn't invite

(    ) 12. What makes your voice _______ louder ?

A  sounds B  sounded C  sound    D  sound like

(   )13. “Why not go camping this weekend?”   “______.”

A. You are right   B. Good idea C. That’s right  D. Never mind

(   )14._______ she is very old, _______ she can still work eight hours a day.

A. Because; so B. Though; but  C. As; yet   D. Though; yet

(   )15.I ______ you for a long time. Where ______ you ______ ?

A. didn’t see; did; go      B. didn’t see; have; gone

C. haven’t seen; have; been    D. haven’t seen; have; gone

(   )16.Is there anything else you’d like to _______ to our readers?

A. ask    B. talk C. speak    D. say

(   )17. Well, I will go if you like, though I have not much hope ______.

A. to successing  B. to success C. of success D.of successing

(   )18. In English “qu” makes a /kw/ _______.

A. noise   B. voice     C. sound   D. singing

(   )19.There is only ________ water in the bottle.

A. a bit    B. a little of   C. a bit of   D. a few

(   )20.They all ______ me good luck in the following driving exam.

A. hope   B. want C. wish    D. like

(   )21.Our school organized a charity show to _______ money for Project Hope and we were glad to see all the students _______ their money.

A. raise; raised B. raise; donated C. donate; donated  D.donate; raised

(   )22. “Why are you so happy today?”  “Because I was chosen ______ of the charity show.”

A. be the host  B. to be the host C. being the host  D. was the host

(   )23. I was late for class yesterday _______ there was something wrong with my bike.

A. so that   B. because of   C. so  D. because

(   )24.The window seems _______. Who ______ them?

A. be broken; broken      B. to be broken; broke

C. have broken down; break    D. broken; broken

(   )25. You _______ to the meeting, why didn’t you go?

A. be invited B. will be invited C. were invited  D. are invited

A. will be able to   B. am able to

C. would be able to  D. won’t be able to

(   )27. “ Is this T-shirt yours?”  “No, mine _______ there behind the door.

A. hung    B. hangs   C. is hanging D. has hung

(   )28. I ______ I could fly to the moon one day.

A. want       B. hope          C. wish        D. like

(   )29. His brother can play tennis very well because he _____ tennis after work.

A. practices playing              B. practices to play

C. practices to playing            D. practices play

(   )30. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _____ and take _____ exercises.

A. less, less    B. more, more   C. less, more   D. more, less

(   )31. You’d better _____ these books _____ the library as soon as possible.

A. give…back  B. return… back

C. return back… to   D. return… to

(   )32. I’m very sorry _____ I didn’t write to you earlier.

A. so         B. because        C. that         D. this

(   )33. When we heard the news, all of us were very _____.

A. exciting    B. excited    C. interesting    D. interest

(   )34.I think____ important to learn English well.

A. this B. that C. it D. you are

(   )35.The fans were very excited______ David Beckham came to the show.

A. so B. because C. but D. and

(   )36. I hope my father____ ask me about my marks.

A. not B. not to C. won’t D. don’t

(   )37.I ______ that I were a bird.

A. wish B. hope C. want D. expect

(   )38. The radio is________ a strange signal. What’s wrong with it?

A. giving up B. giving in C. giving out D. giving away

(   )39.—How do you like this dress?

—It’s beautiful, and it fits me well. _______ I like it very much.

A. Or B. So C. But D. Since

(   )40. It’s your job________ the pop stars.

A. introduce B. introducing C. introduces D. to introduce

(   )41.—Where is Amy?

—She has gone to the_______ to buy something to eat.

A. department store B. stage C. cinema D. travel agency

(   )42.You’d better sing. It doesn’t ______ whether you can sing well or not.

A. work B. matter C. problem D. affect

(   )43.They’d like ____ thank the following people _____ their help and support.

A. to; to B. for; for C. to; for D. for; to

(   )44.—Have you finished the work?

—Not yet, but no matter how hard it is, we'll keep ________ until we make it.

A. failed B. trying C. tried D. failing

(   )45.Project Hope is an organization _______ raises money to build schools and buy books for poor children.

A. that B. who C. what D. where

(   )46.—Are you hungry now?

—_______. I have just had two bowls of rice.

A. Not a bit B. It doesn’t matter C. Not a little D. I don’t mind.

(   )47. My coat__________ there behind the door. Can’t you see it?

A. is hanged B. is hanging C. han gs D. has hung

(   )48. I don’t know ______ a show. Can you tell me?

A. how organize B. what organize C. what to organize D. how to organize

(   )49._____ a new library _____ in our school last year?

A. Is; built     B. Was; built C. Does; build    D. Did ; build

(   )50. An accident ____ on this ro ad last week.

A. has been happened            B. was happened

C. is happened                  D. happened


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