


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了八年级下册英语暑期练习,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。


(    )21.I like these photos and they can      me       the life living in the countryside.

A.think ;of      B.let ;down       C.wake ;up       D.remind;of

(    )22.We have two rooms        but I can’t decide      .

A.to live;choose which one          B.lived;choose which one

C.to live in;which one to choose      D.live;whic h one

(    )23.My house is twice as        my brother’s.

A.larger as      B.large as      C.larger than      D.the size  of

(    )24.---How can you make such tea?

---Just let the leaves        in the water of 75  for some time.

A.to remain       B.remain       C.to leave     D.fall

(   )25.It is    to teach a kid the way to solve problems than to tell him the solutionsdirectly.

A.helpful       B.the most helpful    C.more helpful D.most helpful

(    )26. English is     of all the subjects in my class because our English teacher is friendly to us all.

A.more popular       B.popular      C.most popular D.the most popular

(    )27.The young girl showed great courage        danger.

A.in the hope of      B.in the face of     C.in favor of   D.in need of

(    )28.I have       seen the movie , so I won’ t go to the cinema this weekend.

A.already       B. not      C .  yet   D .never

(    )29.  When I heard my baby girl say her first word , my heart was       of joy.

A.filled        B.full        C.proud       D.afraid

(    )30.---Would you like to go to aquarium with me tomorrow ?

---Sorry . I        there twice this year and don’t want to go there again.

A.have been       B.was going      C.am going      D.have gone

(    )31.I never listen to English songs        the radio.I        listening to MP5.

A.in ;used to          B.on;used to      C.in;am used to D.on;am used to

(    )32.She was surprised by her new book’s       .

A.successfully       B.succeed       C.success        D.successful

(    )33.My unc le        my aunt ten years ago.

A.got married       B.got married to     C.married with D.got married with

(    )34.         you read it ,you can’t imagine how moving the story is.

A.Unless               B.Because          C.Although       D.As soon as

(    )35.Mary spent        summer at home last year.

A.all                   B.whole            C.the whole      D.the all


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