


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初二年级英语下学期暑期练习。


(     ) 21. The father is creative enough __________ so many nice toys for his daughter.

A. buying   B. to buy   C. making   D. to make

(     ) 22. --Is your English teacher Mr. Li very patient?

--Yes. He often ________ lots of time ________ to us.

A. pays, explaining     B. spends, explaining

C. takes, explaining     D. costs, explaining

(     ) 23. My plan is _________ the Summer Palace next weekend.

A. visits   B. visited   C. to visit   D. visit

(     ) 24. The Olympic Games of 2016 will _______ in Brazil.

A. take after   B. take off   C. take place   D. take away

(     ) 25. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates _______with her.

A. dance    B. dances   C. dancing   D. to dance

(     ) 26.-- Did you sleep well last night?

-- Oh, no. ________ noise outside the hotel always drove me mad.

A. Much too   B. Too much   C. Too many   D. So many

(     ) 27. There aren’t many tickets left for the concert. You’d better _______ that you get one today.

A. make sure of      B. make a decision

C. make sure       D. make plans

(     ) 28. Before ________ to the museum, our teacher told us to obey the public rules.

A. go    B. going    C. goes    D. to go

(     ) 29. I usually forget ______ the door. But I remembered_______ it when I left home yesterday.

A. to close, to close     B. closing, closing

C. closing, to close     D. to close, closing

(     ) 30. I need _______ food. What about you?

A. some more   B. any more   C. more some  D. more any

(     ) 31. Miss Zhang never wastes money on anything too expensive, even though she can _______ to buy them.

A. allow   B. remind    C. afford   D. get

(     ) 32. It’s correct _________choose to stay at home.

A.to her for  B. for her to   C. of her to   D. to her of

(     ) 33. Have you ever ________ the charity walk? Not yet.

A. heard from  B. heard of   C. listened to   D. heard

(     ) 34. The Internet ________ us ________ information.

A. provides, for  B. provides, from  C. gets, from   D. provides, with

(     ) 35. –Mom, Iwas the first to reach the top of the mountain.

--Good job, Jack! I’m _________ of you.

A.careful   B. proud   C. tired   D. afraid


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