


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了初二年级下册暑期作业英语推荐,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。

二、 单项选择题。  (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)

(   )1. There       a river in front of the house, but now it has turned into farmland.

A. used to have     B. used to be       C. is used to having     D. is used to be

(   )2. ---Betty, did your son get married in 2008?

---Yes, he       for five years.

A. has married     B. has been married  C. has got married     D. was married

(   )3. ---What a clean and bright classroom, isn’t it?

---Yes, it’s always clean and bright because it       every day.

A. cleans      B. cleaned       C. is cleaned    D. was cleaned

(   ) 4.--Have you cooked supper_____?

--Yes, I have _____ finished it.

A .already, yet          B .yet, ever       C. yet, just      D. already , just

( )5. You know great changes _____________ in our school in the past ten years.

A. have been taken place    B. took place

C. have taken place     D. were taken place

(   )6. Stamps are usually used _____ letters.

A. to sending     B. for sent   C. for send    D. to send

(   )7. Students can’t be made ____________ all day.

A. study        B. to study          C. studying          D. of study

(   )8.Chinese _____ by the largest number of people in the world now.

A. is spoken      B. is speaking       C. speaks            D. spoke

(   )9.Was your school trip to the Lushan Mountain ______________?

A. succeed        B. succeeded       C. successful       D. successfully

(   )10. ______ hard work it is!

A. What a         B. How a            C. What         D. How

(   )11. --______ go to the theatre together with me?

--Good idea.

A. How about    B. Why do you     C. Why not        D. What about

(   )12. I am grateful ______ you ________ your kindness.

A. to; to             B. to; for         C. for; to          D. for; for

(   )13. The doctor _______ on the man and _______ saved his life.

A. did a operation; /     B. did an operation; was

C. operated; /           D. operated; was

(    )14. To our ___________, Liu Xiang nearly broke the world record.

A. excite                B. excited              C. exciting                    D. excitement

(   )15. Which country is ‘the Little Mermaid’ in?

A. Australia      B. Italy       C. Thailand       D. Denmark


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