


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了八年级学生暑期作业英语第二学期推荐,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。

笔试部分 (100分)



26. For further details about our new clothes style, _______ our company's website.

A. visiting      B. visited      C. to visit      D. visit

27. _______ of the students come from Shanghai. They like the view of the countryside.

A. Two thousands   B. Thousands     C. Two thousand   D. Thousand

28. The doctor followed the_______ of the child closely.

A. collection     B. advertisement    C. development    D. agreement

29. -A number of students_______ willing to teach in the west of China:

- Yes, the number is getting_______.

A. are; more and more       B. is; bigger and bigger

C. is; more and more        D. are; bigger and bigger

30. Jim is learning_______ second foreign language so that he can find_______ better job.

A. a; the      B. a; a      C. the; the      D. the; a

31._______it is to watch the ice and snow in Harbin in winter!

A. What a fun     B. How fun     C. What a great fun    D. What fun

32. I will travel abroad if the work_______ on time.

A. will finish     B. is finished     C. will be finished     D. finishes

33. - Are you sure you can do well in the sports meeting?

-_______. I've trained for three months.

A. No, I'm not sure       B. It's hard to say

C. I hope not         D. Yes, I think so

34. Is_______ easy_______ who has taken the umbrella?

A. that; find      B. it; to find out   C. that; to find out     D. it; find

35. -_______ you to get up late?

- Yes. But now I get up early because I_______ doing exercise every morning.

A. Used; am used to      B. Did use; used to

C. Did use; am used to      D. Used; used to

36. The factory_______ since the December of 2000.

A. has open      B. has opened     C. has been opened     D. has been open

37. - Where's Nancy? I would like to invite her to my party this Sunday.

- She has_______ to Singapore. She has_______ there many times before.

A. been; gone     B. been; been     C. gone; gone    D. gone; been

38. She has won the game. She must be very happy, _______?

A. mustn't she     B. isn't she     C. wasn't she    D. hasn't she

39. Lincoln came from nothing, yet he did_______ that changed the world.

A. something     B. everything     C. nothing     D. anything

40. To finish the match we have to walk_______ some fields and_______ a rain forest.

A. over; across     B. across; over   C. through; over    D. across; through


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