


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了暑期作业英语初二年级下册,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。



31、—Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s __  __.

A. cheer him on

B. cheer on him

C. cheer him up

32、—There is ____ with my watch, so I don’t know the time.

—Let me have a look.

A. something wrong

B. anything wrong

C. wrong something

33、—Tom must be at home because the light in his house is on.

—He ____ not be at home, because I saw him playing basketball on the playground.

A. must

B. can

C. mustn’t

34、Mr. Li is ill. Let Mr. Wang ____ us instead of him.

A. to teach

B. teach

C. teaches

35、—Mary can’t help ____ the house. Why?

—Because she is busy ____ a hotel reservation.

A. to clean; making

B. cleaning; making

C. cleaning; to make

36、—Shall we invite our English teacher to the food festival?

—That’s a good idea! But I ____ think she ____ come.

A. don’t; will

B. /; won’t

C. won’t; will

37、—Remember, everyone. ____ you study, ____ result you’ll get.

—We get it(明白), Miss Read.

A. The better; the harder

B. The harder; the better

C. The hard; the better

38、—Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.

—So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days?

A. other

B. others

C. another

39、I think our parents should allow us ____ ____ own clothes.

A. choosing; our

B. choosing; us

C. to choose; our

40、—Did Mr. White tell you ____?   —Yes. He said he went there in 2003.

A. when he traveled to Tibet

C. how he goes to Wuhan

B. where he spent his holidays

41、—I’ll go on a visit to Mount Huang. —____

A. Thank you.

B. Have a good trip!

C. Never mind.

42、— You did a good job, Jack. I am proud of you.


A. Oh, no.

B. It is hard to say.

C. Thank you.

43、—Oh hear, I can’t fall asleep at night because of the test.

— ______. You will pass.

A. No way.

B. Take it easy.

C. Well done!

44、—Would you mind turning down your TV?

— ___________.

A. Yes, I’d love to.

B. Of course not.

C. No, thanks.

45、—I think everyone should wear suitable clothes on every occasion.

—____. Different occasions, different clothes.

A. Good luck

B. It’s my pleasure

C. I agree with you


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