




(  )1.She spent________ time studying French.

A.much so  B. so much

C.such much  D.so many

[答案] B

(  )2.Susan's jeans are the same ________Anna's but different ________ Elsa's.

A.as; as  B.as; like

C.as; from  D.like; as

[解析] C the same as是固定搭配,意为“和……一样”; be different from意为“和……不同”。

(  )3.Eric is not going to Nanjing by ________ plane. Instead, he is taking ________ train.

A. /; a  B. a; /

C. a; the  D. the; a

[答案] A

(  )4.—________ way is________ from Beijing to Xi'an, by train or by plane?

—By plane.

A.Which; better  B.Which; good

C.What; best  D.What; well

[答案] A

(  )5.We work every day ________ Sunday, so we can go shopping on Sunday.

A.but  B.except

C.except for  D.besides

[解析] B but意为“除……之外”,侧重指意义上的几乎完整性,常与nobody, nothing, anybody, anything等连用; except意为“除……之外”,指在同类人或物中除去一个或几个,表示一种排除关系; except for意为“除……之外”,常在说明基本情况后,再从细节上加以修正,前后为不同类事物; besides意为“除……之外(还有……)”,表示一种累加关系。every day与Sunday为同类且为排除关系,故选B。

(  )6.________ all the students in his class, Xiaoming writes________.

A.Of; most carefully

B.In; the most carefully

C.Of; very carefully

D.In; the most careful

[答案] A

(  )7.—Why don't you like winter in Beijing?

—Because it is________ that in Guangzhou.

A.as cold as  B.much colder than

C.not so cold as  D.not colder than

[答案] B

(  )8.This science book ________ me a lot of money.

A. took  B. cost

C. used  D. spent

[答案] B

(  )9.It's one of the________ things for kids to play in the street.

A.more dangerous  B.danger

C.most dangerous  D.most danger

[答案] C

(  )10.Mo Yan is one of ________ writers in the world.

A. famous  B. more famous

C. most famous  D. the most famous

[答案] D

(  )11.—________ is it from your home to the school?

—One kilometre.

A.How long  B.How far

C.How big  D.How often

[答案] B

(  )12.Can you tell me what happened ________ him just now?

A. with  B. for  C. to  D. at

[答案] C

(  )13.They do the same things ________ morning ________ evening every day.

A.from; in  B.from; to

C.since; to  D.since; on

[答案] B

(  )14.Miss Li is one of the most beautiful________ in our school.

A.teacher  B.teachers

C. /  D.the teachers

[解析] B 考查“one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”结构。故选B。

(  )15.—I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow.


A. My pleasure  B. Have a nice trip

C. All right  D. Congratulations

[答案] B



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