



听力 20% (请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题。)

A) 听对话选择正确答案(10分) (B=boy G=girl)

1.B:Can I have something to drink? G:What about some milk?

B:No,thanks.I’d like some tea.

2. B:When do you usually get up in the morning?

G:I usually get up at six.Bat I get up a little later on Sundays.

3.G:What’s your friend like,Daniel? B:He’s tall.He has short hair as I.

4.G:Do you have good eyesight?

B:Yes.but my brother doesn’t.He works on the computer too much.

5.B:Is the girl under the tree your friend? G:No.she is tall.My friend is shorter than I am. 6.G:Do you have driving lessons in school? B:No.I had it last year when I was 16.

7.B:Is that girl your buddy? G:Yes.she is a senior.

8.B:John studies more subjects than Nancy. G:Yes.But Daniel studies more than John.

9.B:Amy scored 72 and Sandy scored 68. G:But Simon scored the fewest.

10.B:How many computer studies lessons do you have each week?

G:I have three.How about you?

B:I have two more lessons than you.

11. M: Our school life is interesting. What do you think of it, Tom?

W: I don’t enjoy it as much as you do ,Millie.

12. M: Linda, you are playing computer game again!

W: It won’t take long, Dad. I can’t do homework all the time, you know.

13. M: Li ping always makes his classmates laugh. How does he do that?

W: He makes them laugh by telling jokes.

14.W; What can I do for you?

M: I’d like four bottles of milk and two cakes.

15. W; What’s the time, please?

M: It’s a quarter to nine.

W: The train will leave in 15minutes.

B) 听短文选择正确答案(10分)

Do you know anything about the moon ? The moon is smaller than the earth . But the sun is much bigger than the earth .The moon is far from the earth . It is 380,000 kilometres away. On the earth we see that the moon looks like a cake . There is no air on the moon .So on the other side it is very cold .People can jump higher on the moon than on the earth and walk more easily there . It takes more than three days to get to the moon by spaceship.

听力:1-10 ABCAC /BABCA

11-15 BADCD 16-20 ACABA

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