


D. Because his company asked him to do so.


I have three best friends : Mark , Susie and Annie . Mark , Susie and I go to the

s 1 school and we are all classmates . Mark is one of the tallest boys in our class . He is even t 2 than our English teacher , Mrs Black . When I feel sad , Mark always makes me feel happy . Sometimes he pulls a funny face (做鬼脸) and m 3 me laugh until my stomach hurts . Susie , on the other hand , is very gentle (文静的) and kind . She is not as loud and funny a 4 Mark , but she is helpful and g 5 . I can always talk to her

a 6 my problems . She is a good listener and she is really smart. She likes to help people . I think she will be a good doctor when she g 7 up .

Annie, my other good friend , is from the USA. She is my penfriend. Although(尽管) we do not see each other very often, I still think of her as one of my b 8 friends. We talk on the Internet as much as we can and I often tell her about my schoo l, my friends and my f 9 I like to share my joy with her. Annie is a true friend. She always tells me her h 10 opinion(意见)about things.

1. s_________ 2. t___________3. m___________4. a___________ 5.g___________6. a___________7. g___________ 8. b___________ 9. f___________ 10. h___________

十、完成句子 15分







根据所给提示,以My best friend为题,写一篇介绍你的好朋友Betty的 作文,词数在80字左右。

1. 既是我最好的朋友也是邻居.总是面带微笑。

2. 圆脸, 笑咪咪的眼睛使她看起来很漂亮;

3. 有音乐天赋; 每周两次练习唱歌。长大了想做一名歌手,像张靓颖一样受欢迎。

4. 最喜欢的课是家政课。希望能为家人做美味健康的菜肴。





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