




( ) 1. Dad often goes to work ___________ bus or _________ foot.

A. on, on  B. by, on   C. by, by   D. in, on

( ) 2. All the people went home _____________ Mr Wang , for he had to finish his work .

A. with   B. besides  C. except   D. after

( ) 3. ------ Would you please show me the way ___________ the bank ?

----- Yes, go straight ahead . It’s opposite a school .

A. in  B. for   C. with    D. to

( ) 4. ----- I’m afraid that I couldn’t pass the exam .

------ ____________ . I believe you .

A. Don’t worry . B. Never minding C. At last   D. Not at all .

( ) 5. ------ _________________ ?

------- He had an accident yesterday .

A. What’s happened with him    B. What happened with him

C. What happened to him   D. What’s the wrong with him

( ) 6.Which do you like__________, tea, milk or orange juice?

A. best   B. better   C. good   D. well

( ) 7. The ____________ friends you have , the ____________ you will be .

A. more , happy B. many , happy  C. more , happier  D. many , happier

( ) 8. If Bill doesn’t go , I won’t ,____________ .

A. either   B. also   C. as well   D. too

( ) 9. ------ The T-shirt looks nice on you! How much does it ____________ ?

I just _____________ ten dollars for it.

A. take , afforded B. cost , paid  C. cost , spent     D. spend, took

( ) 10. Breakfast is ___________ meal of the day . It provides us with energy after a long night without food .

A. important  B. more important C. the most important  D. very important


Getting to places can sometimes be difficult ,especially(特别) when you are going to a place for the ___11____ time.

In big cities, many people take buses, trains or subways to get from ____12____to another. Buses are a popular___13_ of transportation. If you are using a bus, you need to know___14___ bus to take and where you can get on. You ____15___ need to be able to (能够) read the timetable, so you can take the right bus and ____16___ your place on time. At last, you need to know ___17___ to get off and ___18___ the driver the name of the station.  In the countryside, transportation can be much simpler (更简单的).In some places, people get to school or work___19___ boat. Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school. In ___20___places,students walk to the school.

(     ) 11. A. first    B. second    C. third    D. fourth

(     ) 12. A .one place   B. the place    C. places    D. the places

(     ) 13. A. mean    B. ways     C. way    D. away

(     ) 14. A. what    B. where    C. which    D. why

(     ) 15. A. too   B. as well    C. also    D. either

(     ) 16. A. get to    B. arrive     C. get    D. arrive to

(     ) 17. A. why    B. where    C. when     D. how

(     ) 18. A. say    B. talk    C. speak    D. tell

(     ) 19. A. on    B. in     C. by     D. at

(     ) 20. A. other    B. others    C. else    D. another




The longest train journey in the world is from the Pacific over to the Atlantic, going across Asia and Europe.

You can do this famous journey with only a few changes of train .Some people start in Hong Kong and take the train to Beijing .This is a very good way to see a lot of Chinese passing by the window while you talk or eat .You can stay at a hotel in Beijing ,and then take the train for a five-day journey to Moscow. It is a long time ,but you can walk up and down the train and get out at some of the stations. You can take some good books and maybe some games too .

There are the horses of Mongolia riding past .Don't they look lovely! Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator to do some sightseeing .Later the train goes past Lake Baikal ,one of the World's largest with 20%of the world's fresh water .As we go west the food changes. This is one  of the best as well as the longest train journeys .Here is Moscow-with lots to do and more trains going on to Paris, or even ,under the sea, to London.

( ) 21. The longest train Journey in the world is from the Pacific to the ____________ .

A. Indian     B. Atlantic    C. Antarctic

( ) 22. You can do this famous journey with ___________ changes of train .

A. many     B. few     C. a few

( )23. You can stay in a hotel in Beijing , and then have a five-day journey to ________ .

A. Paris     B. London    C. Moscow

( ) 24. The ___________ of Mongolia look lovely !

A. camels    B. horses    C. elephants

( ) 25. You can do some ____________ on the train.

A. cooking   B. reading   C. fishing


London Subway, or The Tube, is the quickest and easiest way to get around London. Many English people like it. It has 275 (63 in the centre of London) stations across the city. You are always near to a tube station. Most people in London use a tube. It is very easy and comfortable. There are 12 Tube Lines in London. London Subway on all lines runs every few minutes from 05 :30 to 00:30 from Monday to Saturday and runs from 07 :30 to 23 :30 on Sunday. People can't smoke(吸烟) on the train because it's not good for passengers. The subway is the visitors' first choice. It's popular with people in London.

(  )26.Which is the fastest way for visitors to travel around London?



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