




一、 单项选择:(共15分)

1. This is ________ useless book for me. But I will still ________ it for 3 days because my sister wants to read it.

A. a, borrow B. a, keep C. an, borrow D. an, keep

2. Jim did his homework ____________ Lily, but he didn’t get the same grade as Lily.

A. as careful as B. as carefully as

C. so careful as D. so carefully as

3. .----We’re organizing a party next Saturday ,and I ’d like you to come .

---- What a pity! I have to ___________ my classmates that day. We will have a meeting.

A. join B. join in C. take part D. take part in

4. ---- It’s dangerous ______________. Don’t do that again.

---- ______________.

A. pull you up the rock; No, I don’t B. pull you up the rock; Yes, I don’t

C. to pull yourself up the rock; Yes, I won’t D. to pull yourself up the rock; No, I won’t

5. ---- How much did you ___________ the coat?

---- 100 yuan.

A. pay on B. take for C. cost to D. spend on

6. Do you know paper is made __________ wood?

A. of B. into C. from D. by

7. Sorry. I ___________ my homework at home. Could I ____________ it here tomorrow?

A. forgot, bring B. left, take C. forgot, take D. left, bring

8. We can’t get the answer to the question from the teacher. Why not work it out_____________?

A. for ourselves B. by ourselves C. for yourselves D. by yourselves

9. We ____________ the cinema at 6:00 p.m. last night because we wanted to see the film early.

A. get to B. reach C. arrived at D. arrived in

10. I hope ____________ my birthday party next Sunday.

A. to see you at B. that you came to

C. you to come to D. seeing you come to

11. The weather in Hangzhou is colder than _____________ in Guangzhou now.

A. it B. one C. ones D. that

12. __________ all the students, Jack ran fastest. No one could run _________ he.

A. In, as fast as B. In, as fast as

C. Of, as slowly as D. Among, faster than

13. When he saw the beautiful hill, he ________________ the car to climb it .

A. can’t wait to get off B. couldn’t wait getting out of

C. can’t wait getting off D. couldn’t wait to get out of

14. This is the plan ________ tomorrow. We will go to the park ________ different flower shows ________ Mr Smith’s support.

A. to, with, on B. for, with, with C. to, for, with D. for, for, on

15. ---- Shall I give you a ride (搭乘)as you look so tired?

---- Thank you. ___________________.

A. Don’t mention it B. It is your duty

C. Do as you like D. It couldn’t be better



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