


许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇2016年八年级英语上册Unit2单元试卷,希望对同学们有所帮助。




1. In B______ English we call cookie biscuit.

2.---What is the weather ______(像) today? ---It’s sunny.

3. Our school often ______(give sth..to sb.)us some books to read.

4. Learning foreign ______(words used in speaking and writing) is fun.

5. We students should _______(talk about sth.)problems warmly in class.

6. Do you know another way of saying “lorry”? I know, it’s __________.

7. There are more _________ (广告)on TV now. I don’t like watching TV.

8. You can read m_________(杂志) in the library.


1. This university is a (mix) one. The students in it can learn a lot.

2. I wash all my clothes for (I).

3. The twins like football very much. They spend lots of time (play) it every week.

4. We often practice (use) English after class.

5. She often listens ___________(careful) to my problems.

6. I brush my teeth _______(two) a day.

7. My mother always gets up _______ (early) than I every day.

8. Our team _____ (win) two games last month.

9. Time seems _______ (go) faster when we are reading some interesting books.

10. Many (hero) lost their lives for the people.


borrow…from, learn more about, can’t wait for, at the end of, twice a week, in class, the same as

1. Our classmates play baseball ___________.

2. The post office is _______________ the road.

3. There are many books in our library. We can ______some _____there.

4. Tom and Mike ________________ the coming holiday.

5. Do you want to ________________ computers?

6. The courses in this school are not ___________ in John’s school.

7. Don’t talk too much _________. You should listen to the teacher carefully.




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