


尽可能多的做练习题可以帮助同学对所学知识点加以巩固,经过试题的练习相信大家一定会学到更多,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了初二上学期英语第二单元测试题,欢迎大家阅读。


(   )1. — What’s on the wall of the living room, Wendy?

— There is     television.     television is very big.

A. a; A   B. an; A   C. a; The  D. an; The

(   )2. — What can you see     the mist (薄雾)?

— Three people.

A. for   B. through  C. of   D. about

(   )3. — Why do you like running so much, Mr. Green?

— Well, it’s good for my    .

A. diary    B. time     C. idea   D. health

(   )4. — Who will go to the     for teeth cleaning with you, Mark?

— My father.

A. guide   B. dentist   C. writer   D. musician

(   )5. — There are so many wonderful gifts in the shop. Which one do you want to buy?

—    . They are too expensive for me.

A. Not      B. Never      C. None    D. No

(   )6. — You look so tired, Sue.

— I     slept last night. I feel very terrible now.

A. hardly        B. already        C. usually    D. almost

(   )7. Tina goes to the movies at least     a month. She loves movies very much.

A. twice    B. second   C. two  D. secondly

(   )8. — Can you help him     the living room, Amy?

— No problem.

A. cleans   B. cleaned  C. cleaning  D. to clean

(   )9. — Do you know Nick, Lucy?

— Sure, he’s so famous.     he has no arms and legs,     he can look after himself well and travel all over the world.

A. Although; but B. Because; /  C. Although; /  D. Because; so

(   )10. — How often     your father    , Mary?

— Once a week.

A. did; exercised B. do; exercise  C. does; exercisesD. does; exercise

(   )11. I think the best way     is taking part in (参加) outdoor activities.

A. to relax   B. relaxing  C. relaxed D. relaxes

(   )12. Tom asked Peter     to the party last Sunday.

A. comes   B. coming    C. to come  D. came

(   )13. —     times did you go climbing last year?

— Twice.

A. How long  B. How many  C. How much D. How often

(   )14. —     do you watch TV?

— Almost every day.

A. How long  B. How often  C. How much D. How old

(   )15. — How often do you go swimming, Alice?

—    .

A. In two weeks

B. Three times

C. One or two weeks

D. Once or twice a week



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