


英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了八年级上学期英语第一单元检测试题,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。


1.一些喝的东西___________________ 2.吃更多一些食物_______________________

3.分享我的快乐___________________ 4.相信他/她所说的话_____________________

5.愿意和朋友分享东西_____________ 6.告诉他/她关于你自己的一切_____________

7.随时准备帮助人们_______________ 8.在家庭作业方面帮助我_________________

9.富有幽默感_____________________ 10.使他看起来很聪明_____________________

11. 与...在一起感到无聊 __________ 12.走过我们的课桌 _____________________

13.课桌下面容纳得下______________ 14.说关于某人的坏话_____________________

15.擅长讲滑稽的笑话______________ 16.最快的游泳选手_______________________

17.最昂贵的_____________________ 18.保守秘密_____________________________

19.对老年人友善_________________ 20.把她的座位让给有需要的人_____________


( ) 1.He is _____stronger than his brother.

A. more B. very

A. early

A. other B. earlier C. quite C. earliest D. much D. the earliest D. others ( ) 2. Please come here a little ____next time. ( ) 3. There are some trees on one side of the road and some factories on ________. B the other C. another

( ) 4.A horse is __ than a dog. A.much heavy B.more heavier C.much heavier D.more heavy

( ) 5. ________weather it is! Let's go out for a picnic.

A. How a good B. What a bad C. How bad D. What good

( )6. The students look______ and their teacher is looking ________ at them.

A. happy; happily B. happily; happily C. happily; happy D. happy; happy

( ) 7. I didn’t know ______ things for myself before I came here.

A. what to do B. how to do C. what I can do D. how can I do

( ) 8. --- Is the Changjiang River__________ in the world? --- No, it isn’t.

A. very long B. longer C. the longest D. longest

D. How much ( ) 9. --- ______ do you play softball after school? --- Twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often

( ) 10. We found_______ this question.

A. difficult to answer B. it difficult answer C. it difficult to answer D. that difficult answer

( ) 11. The baby ________ 3.5 kilograms(公斤)when he was born.

A. weigh B. weight C. weighs D. weighed

( ) 12. She always _______ a smile ________ her face .

A. have, on B there is , in C puts on, in D wears, on

( ) 13. --- Mum, can I have something _____ ? --- Sorry. There is____ in the fridge.

A. eating;nothing else B. to eat;nothing else C. eating;else nothing D. to eat;else nothing

( ) 14.Which is __ season in Beijing? I think it’s spring.

A.good B.well C. best D.the best

( ) 15. --- May I smoke here, please? --- I am afraid you_____. This is a non-smoking area.

A. can

B. can’t C. may 1 D. may not

( ) 16.He is_____ honest boy. And he is ____ student in our class.

A. a, better B. an, best C. the, the best D. an, the best

( )17. There aren’t enough chairs. Would you please _________ ones here?

A. to bring another three B. bring more three C. to take three other D. bring three more

( )18. I’m going to ____ them something about our new school.

A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak



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