


作为学生一定要尽快掌握所学知识,迅速提高学习能力。接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理了八年级下学年英语期末备考模拟综合试题,希望能提高大家的成绩。


( ) 1. Mo Yan is one of most popular writers in the world. He was honest boy when he was child.

A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an

( ) 2.I’m a teenager and I don’t play with soft toys any longer.

A. no longer; / B. no; longer C. / ; no longer D. no; any longer

( ) 3. ---How long your uncle this personal computer ?

--- Since ten years ago. He wants to buy a new one.

A. have; had B. has; bought C. have ; bought D. has; had

( ) 4. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes.

A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. began

( ) 5. --- Long time no see your father! Where has he ?

--- He has Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week.

A. been; been in B. gone; been C. been; been to D. gone; gone to

( ) 6. My mother used to the song “Where’s time going?” . Now she is used to it.

A. hating; listen B. hated; listened to C. hate; listening to D. hating; listening

( ) 7. The cleaner in Zhengzhou said, “ things we do, environment we’ll have” .

A. More; better B. The more; the better C. Fewer ; The less D. The fewer; better

( ) 8. Yu Gong didn’t need to move the mountains, He could think of ways to solve his problem .

A. other B. another C. others D. else

( ) 9. Mr Green isn’t here, He with his family home in England .

A. have been B.has been C.has gone back D.have gone

( ) 10. Kate was ill last week . But she is to go to school today.

A. good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good

( ) 11. I have never read book that I can’t put it down .

A. such an excellent B. a such excellent C. such excellent a D. so an excellent

( ) 12. My headteacher saw her up some rubbish while he by .

A. pick; was passing B. picking; was passing C. was picking; was passing D. picking; passed

( ) 13. “How long will you this book?” said the librarian.

A. borrow B. buy C. keep D. have

( ) 14. --- Could you please help me the exercise books to the class? --- No problem.

A. take out B. give out C.work out D. put out

( ) 15. I'm new here. Could you please tell me ________?

A. what is the building used for B. when does the first class begin

C. where is the dining hall D. how many classes our school has



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