


尽可能多的做练习题可以帮助同学对所学知识点加以巩固,经过试题的练习相信大家一定会学到更多,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了八年级下学期英语期末模拟测试题,欢迎大家阅读。


一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。

(    ) 1. What time will they meet?

A. At 7:00.      B. At 7:15.       C. At 6:45.

(    ) 2. How many ladies are from Australia?

A. One.         B. Two.         C. Three.

(    ) 3. Where does the conversation take place(发生)?

A. In a restaurant.        B. In a post office.       C. In a hotel.

(    ) 4. What number did the man call?

A. 809713.       B. 809731.       C. 807931.

(    ) 5. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. See a film.     B. Eat out.       C. Play computer games.

二、听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前的括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。

(    ) 6. Which city would Zhang Jing like to go to for the coming holiday?

A. Beijing.  B. Nanjing.      C. Tianjing.

(    ) 7. Who is Zhang Jing going to see?

A. Her grandparents.       B. Her uncle.      C. Her parents.

(    ) 8. What will Mike bring to Zhang Jing tomorrow?

A. Photos.      B. Tickets.      C. Maps.


(    ) 9. What does the man ask the woman to do every morning?

A. To go swimming.    B. To go riding.        C. To go running.

(    ) 10. How long should the woman do exercise in the morning?

A. For about twelve minutes.           B. For about forty minutes.

C. For about twenty minutes.


(    ) 11. What was the woman doing?

A. Seeing a film.         B. Looking for the food.     C. Sleeping.

(    ) 12. Where did the man sit?

A. Behind the woman.     B. In front of the woman.     C. Next the woman.

(    ) 13. Where were the man’s teeth?

A. In the woman’s cake.  B. In the woman’s handbag.  C. In the cake on the floor.


(    ) 14. What are they talking about?

A. How to save paper.            B. How to protect the environment.

C. How to save waste plastic(塑料) bags.

(    ) 15. What shouldn’t we do if we want to have a clean world?

A. Throw the plastic bags away after we use them once.

B. Use both sides of paper.       C. Collect waste paper and soft drink cans.


(    ) 16. What do most American families do with newspapers each day?

A. They sell newspapers.         B. They buy at least ten different newspapers.

C. They read newspapers.

(    ) 17. What do newspapers provide us with?

A. Everything in our own city.       B. Only world news.

C. Home news and world news.

(    ) 18. When can we read important events that happen in other countries?

A. As soon as they happen.          B. On the same day when they happen.

C. A week or a month after they happen.

(    ) 19. How long did news often take to travel from one country to another hundreds of years ago?

A. Hours or days.         B. Days or weeks.        C. Months or years.

(    ) 20. What about the news in the past?

A. It wasn’t always true.     B. It was never true.     C. It was always true.



(    ) 21. These books were really good, so she couldn’t        .

A. put down it     B. put it down   C. put down them   D. put them down

(    ) 22. —Do you think if Tom          the work well?

—I think he will if he          his best.

A. does, will try  B. will do, tries    C. does, tries   D. will do, will try

(    ) 23. —I have never been to African countries. What about you?

— ________.

A. Neither have I       B. So do I       C. Neither do I      D. So have I

(    ) 24. Don’t worry! I’ll do what I can          you when you are in trouble.

A. to help         B. help        C. helping     D. helped

(    ) 25. —I'm going to visit Yellow Mountain with my family this weekend.

— ________.

A. Good luck   B. Congratulations  C. Have a great time  D. That sounds good

(    ) 26. — ________ have you learned to play the piano?

— ________ five years ago.

A. How long, For                 B. How often, For

C. How long, Since               D. How soon, Since

(    ) 27. —Are you worried about the coming exam?

—No, I think the more ________ you study, ________ mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful, the less                 B. careful, the fewer

C. carefully, the less             D. carefully, the fewer

(    ) 28. —Do you know __   ___?

— Sorry, I don’t. But I saw her just now. xKb 1.C om

A. where has she gone                 B. where she has gone

C. where she has been                 D. where will she go

(    ) 29. I have __   ___ decided when to leave, but my sister hasn’t decided

__   ___.

A. yet, yet      B. already, already     C. already, yet      D. yet, already

(    ) 30. —I called you last night, but no one answered me.

—Oh, I________ a shower.

A. have taken     B. was taking      C. took     D. will take

(    ) 31. The policeman asked the child ________ cross the street ________ the traffic lights turned green.

A. not, when     B. not to, unti     C. didn't, before      D. not to, after

(    ) 32. —I ________ a new house recently.

—Great. When ________ you ________ it?

A. have bought, did, buy         B. have bought, have, bought

C. bought, did, buy             D. bought, have, bought

(    ) 33. Two thirds of the population of the village ________ farmers. The number of them ________ about 2,000.

A. is, is        B. is, are        C. are, are     D. are, is

(    ) 34. —I’m leaving for the exam. Bye, Mum.

—Well, make sure you’ve got ________ ready.

A. something        B. anything       C. everything     D. nothing

(    ) 35. — ________ is your school?

—I can’t remember it well. I________ for ten years.

A. How big, have left                  B. What big, have been away

C. How big, have been away           D. What big, have left


Do you write your own blog(博客)? Do you often    36    other’s blogs on the Internet?

All over the world, not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experiences and    37    advice or help.

“ I write my activities every day,    38    funny things and worries in my life.” says Lili, a high school student in Washington. “ I like putting pictures on my blog because it can make my blog more    39    and more people will like it. It’s a good way    40    my life to the world.” She has had her blog for eight months.

Students like writing blogs    41    they can write anything they want to, but don’t need to    42    any money.

When you start to write your blog, you will find    43    necessary to open up your eyes to a new world. But what you write down may trouble you    44   . So use the blog carefully    45    you can keep yourself away from some trouble. The blog makes everyone’s life colorful.



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