


不断努力学习才能丰富自己的知识,下文是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的初二下学期英语unit7测试题,大家一定要仔细阅读哦。

一. 翻译下列词组:

1. 学会弹乐器___________

2. 干一份兼职工作___________

3. 组建足球队___________

4. 取得好成绩___________

5. 上吉它课___________

6. 和某人交流___________

7. 工作更加努力___________

8. 成长___________

9. 搬到有趣的地方___________

10. 听起来像___________

二. 单项选择:

1. -Is Mr. Brown living here?

-No, he moved _________ last week.

A. to somewhere else B. somewhere else

C. to else somewhere D. else somewhere

2. -What are you doing?

-I’m ________ my bag, but I can’t ________ it.

A. looking for, look for B. looking for, find

C. finding, look for D. finding, find

3. What _______ you ______ to do when you __________ high school?

A. do, want, finish B. will, want, finish

C. are, going, are going to finish

D. are, want, are going to finish

4. -I’m going to learn the piano when I retire.

-That sounds _________ a good idea.

A. like B. as

C. about D. of

5. He decides to work _______ than last year.

A. more hard B. much hard

C. much harder D. a little hard

6. It’s already 6 o’clock, but the children are not back _______.

A. also B. either

C. yet D. too

7. The work is really very difficult; _________ it’s very interesting.

A. yet B. however

C. still D. at the some time

8. Where are you ________?

A. now B. just now

C. ago D. before

9. Helen doesn’t look _________ today. Is she ill?

A. better B. well

C. nervous D. happy

10. Who _________ the music first? Tom did.

A. hear B. heard

C. listened D. listen to

三. 连词成句:

1. are, going, to, grow up, be, what, when, you, you


2. I’m, get, going to, good, grades


3. some, said, they, readers, are going to, more, eat, vegetables.


4. Wang Lin, writes articles, is going to, send and, them, to, and, magazines, newspapers


5. want, they, to, to, move, places, interesting, and, things, new, see




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