


尽可能多的做练习题可以帮助同学对所学知识点加以巩固,经过试题的练习相信大家一定会学到更多,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了八年级下册英语第七单元测试题,欢迎大家阅读。


(  )1.When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with___ students.

A.quite a few     B.only a few      C.few            D.a few quite

(  )2.The house is       small for a family of six.

A.much too        B.too much        C.very much      D.so

(  )3.Through the window we can see nothing but ____ buildings.

A.tall very many  B.very many tall  C.very tall many D.many very tall

(  )4. Maths is more popular than____.

A.any other subject B. all the subjects C. any subject D.other subject

(  )5.When spring comes, it gets____.

A.warm and warm B.colder and colder C.warmer and warmer D.shorter and shorter

(  )6.___ he read the book, ____ he got in it.

A.The more; the more interesting     B.The less; the more interesting

C.The more; the more interested      D.More; more interested

(  )7.I'm not ___ to lift the heavy box.

A.short enough     B.enough tall    C.health enough    D.strong enough

(  )8.Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English____ her mother.

A.as good as       B.as better as   C.as well as       D.as best as

(  )9.We have never seen___ interesting films.

A.such             B.such an        C.so               D.such a

(  )10.My ____ brother is three years ____ than I.

A.elder; elder     B.older; oldest  C.elder; older     D.older; elder

(  )11.The man was not ___ when he heard the ___ words.

A.frightening; frightening           B.frightened; frightened

C.frightening; frightened            D.frightened; frightening

(  )12.In summer eggs will go___ easily.

A.terribly         B.terrible       C.badly            D.bad

(  )13.The___ boy was taken to the nearest hospital.

A.ill              B.s ick           C.good             D.clever

(  )14.Mary's mother bought a____ coat for her yesterday.

A. new big blue silk B. new blue silk big C. new silk blue big D. blue silk new big

(  )15.I’m sorry I’m late. I should get here 10 minutes ________.

A.early           B.earlier         C.the earlier      D.the earliest


(  )1.When we speak to people, we should be           .

A.as polite as possible       B.as polite as possibly

C.as politely as possible     D.as politely as possibly

(  )2.My mother is no ___ young.

A.shorter       B.longer     C.little          D.few

(  )3.The earth is about____ as the moon.

A.as fifty time big B.fifty times as big C.as big fifty times D.fifty as times big

(  )4.Most of the woods ____ been taken good care of.

A.are           B.is         C.has            D.have

(  )5.-Is Mrs Br own badly ill?

-No, ____. Only a little cold.

A.quite well       B.nothing serious   C.not worry    D.anything serious

(  )6.This is____ book___ I'd like to read once more.

A.such an interesting; that     B.so interesting; that

C.such an interesting; as        D.a so interesting; as

(  )7.The ship sank____ under the sea.

A.deeply         B.depth           C.deep         D.more deep

(  )8.___ helped a lot in our country.

A.The blind  i s  B.The blind are  C.The blinds is D.Blind are

(  )9.We are___ of the work.

A.ill           B.sick            C.full          D.filled

(  )10.It is raining hard. He is____ to be late.

A.lovely        B.likely          C.lively        D.friendly

(  )11.The film is very interesting. It is worth ____ a second time.

A.seeing        B.see             C.to see        D.seen

(  )12. When we see the Monkey King, we can’t help ________.

A.to cry         B.to laugh        C.laughing       D.cry

(  )13. Would you please _______ the music a little, Lily?  I am learning English.

A.turn up        B.turn down      C.turn off        D.turn on

(  )14 There is a big factory _____ waste water into the river.

A.to pour        B.to put          C.pouring        D.putting

(  )15. ________ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road !

A.What          B.What a         C.How           D.How a


(  )1.-- Tony, ____ are you in such a hurry?

-- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late.

A.where           B. how            C.when            D.why

(  )2. -- What was Jim wearing at the party?

-- Nothing ____. He was in his usual shirt and jeans.

A.special         B.simple          C.important        D.interesting



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