


为了帮助大家在考前对知识点有更深的掌握,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了八年级英语下册第六单元练习题 ,希望对大家有所帮助。


(  ) 1.— I read     story about Shennong. Do you know who he was, Tony?

— He was     emperor in ancient (古代的) China.

A. a; / B. a; an C. an; a         D. an; /

(  ) 2.— Why do you like the music?

— Because it reminds me     my best friend.

A. with           B. for              C. to           D. of

(  ) 3.— Don’t give up. Things will be fine soon.

— Yes. We should learn to be     when we are in trouble.

A. brave  B. quiet      C. sad          D. angry

(  ) 4.— I’m a little     these days.

— I think you should eat more healthy food and do more exercise.

A. silly    B. weak       C. careful D. smart

(  ) 5. Have a cup of tea     you like a cold drink.

A. since B. if           C. unless       D. because

(  ) 6. The medicine is dangerous. You must     it from the children.

A. buy    B. hide           C. bring      D. carry

(  ) 7.— Does that sweater     her?

— Sure. She is really beautiful in it.

A. hit  B. keep                C. fix         D. fit

(  ) 8.— I really want to get into that school.

— But I think     is not right. You should work hard.

A. cheating      B. telling         C. providing      D. giving

(  ) 9.— Must I give up    , Doctor?

— For your health, you have to.

A. smoke B. smoking   C. smokes      D. to smoke

(  )10.— Tan Jing’s     is so sweet.

— Yes. Her songs     very beautiful.

A. sound; taste B. voice; smell  C. voice; sound  D. noise; sound

(  )11.— Do you know     they found their way to the village?

— By following the bird.

A. what  B. why            C. where      D. how

(  )12. This is     difficult problem that few students can work it out.

A. so    B. so a        C. such         D. such a

(  )13.— Wow! How cool your cup is!

— Really? I     it when it was on sale yesterday.

A. buy          B. will buy     C. bought          D. am buying

(  )14.— When will we start?

— As soon as your uncle    .

A. arrives      B. will arrive    C. was arriving      D. to arrive

(  )15.— What do you think of this book?

—    .

A. It’s ten yuan             B. It’s my brother’s

C. It’s interesting   D. It’s a gift for me


(  )16. We didn’t catch the train ____ we got up late.

A. so           B. because      C. until          D. before

(  )17. The poor man ate a big breakfast ___ he said he was not hungry.

A. since        B. because      C. though         D. for

(  )18. Mary was ____ ill ___ she got the disease that her mum had to stop

working to look after her.

A. such ;if      B. so; if       C. such; when     D. so; when

(  )19. —This dress is in last year’s style.

—I think it still looks perfect ___ it has gone out this year.

A.so that       B. even though    C. as if     D. ever since

(  )20. John fell asleep ___ he was listening to the music.

A. after       B. before      C. while       D. as soon as

(  )21. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours __ he

realized it.

A. unless       B. if        C. after         D. before

(  )22. You will be able to get good marks _____.

A. while you are doing your homework by yourself

B. if you do some revision every day

C. before you begin to study hard

D. until you follow your teachers’advice

(  )23. It looks ___ to wash the clothes.

A. as if the water is dirty enough      B. as if the water is not clean enough

C. that the water is not dirty enough   D. that the water is clean enough

(  )24. He ___ back until the work ___ done.

A. isn't; will be   B. isn't; is       C. won't be; will be  D. won't be; is

(  )25.I'm sure he'll come to see me before he ___ Beijing.

A. will leave       B. is leaving      C. leave        D. leaves

(   )26. May I sit nearer___I can see more clearly?

A. as if             B. so that         C. even if     D. so

(   )27. There are ___ many league members in class 2 ___ in Class 4.

A. both; and         B. so; that        C. either; or   D. as; as

(   )28. You are sure to pass the exam ___ you study hard.

A. if                B. though          C. that         D. since

(   )29.___ she is very old, ___ she can still work eight hours a day.

A. Because; so      B. Though; but      C. As; yet     D. Though; yet

(   )30. Please answer the question in a loud enough voice ___ all the class may hear.

A. so, that        B. or               C. in order that     D. and


(  )31.Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life. And that’s ____ he succeeds .

A. what       B. when   C. why        D. where

(   )32.There are many people downstairs. What do you think ______?

A. to happen  B. happening   C. is happened  D. has happened

(   )33.Paper is made ___  wood.

A. by           B. from             C. of             D. in

(   )34.his kind of machine is made   America, but it can also be made    Chinese.

A, in by        B, by in           C, in of           D, by for

(   )35.Tom looked at Jenny,tears filling his eyes,and shouted out the words___in his heart for years .

A. To hide       B. hides          C. hidden         D. hiding

(   )36.Pirates[海盗】 used to hide gold there ,

A.and they always do            B.and they still do

C.and they still do sometimes    D.that's what would do

(   )37.---Hey, Tom.Let’s go swimming.

---Just a moment.I _____ a message.

A.send             B.sent           C. am sending     D. have sent

(   )38.–Lily has a silk __________.Listen, she is singing in the next room!

-- How nice!.

A. look       B. noise        C. voice          D.sound

(   )39.Mr. Li regards Korea as his second____ because he has been here for over twenty years.

A. family        B. house        C. room        D. home

(   )40.I had a hard time with math and I was not ______to get the bad report from my math teacher.

A. sure       B. surprised      C. excited          D.brave

(   )41.—I’m going to a job interview. I feel a little_______.

—Take it easy. Listening to music can help you relax.

A.comfortable       B.nervous     C. excited         D.worried

(   )42.—What do you think of TV play you watch last night?

--It’s so _______that I want to watch it again.

A. exciting  B. boring   C. tiring           D.magic

(   )43. —It’s very silly     us not to make a plan before a new term.?

—Yes. You must try to make it carefully.?

A. of                B. for                   C. to?             D.about

(   )44.Jim dislikes people ______talk much but never do anything .

A. who   B. whom    C. they          D.he

(   )45.—What do you think of this skirt?

--It’s beautiful and it fits we well, ____I like it very much.

A. since    B. so        C. but             D.and

(   )46.Usually, we don’t know how important something is ___ we lose it.

A. or          B. until             C. as soon as    D.unless

(   )47. A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing _____ he has a map or a guide.

A. if          B. because           C. unless           D. when

(   )48.—A new book on how to lose weight is _______soon.

--Really? Mr. Li can’t wait to read it.

A. giving out  B. coming out       C. working out  D. selling out

(   )49.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation?

—Yes. I want you to ____ me with some information about it.

A.offer   B.give   C.show             D.Provide

(   )50.There are lots of things    I need to prepare before the trip.

A. who           B. that       C. whom         D. they

(   ) 51.We are all looking forward to______ more than $6,500 for the sick girl.

A. raise   B. raising   C. be raised  D. being raised

(   )52—Many students don’t know how to______ pressure and become worried.

--I think they’d better ask their teachers for help.

A. argue with  B. deal with  C.help with  D. come up with

(   )53—Meat isn’t really dangerous, is it?

—Oh! _____! It’s not at all good for our health.

A.Yes, it isn’t  B.No, it is C.Yes, it is     D.No; it isn’t

(   )54.--Would you please ___ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

--Of course I will.

A. look around B. look through  C. look up  D. look into

(   )55.They were all so tired that they could ______.

A. do nothing but sleep                B. do anything but sleep

C. do nothing but to sleep             D. do anything but to sleep

(   ) 56.There _______ a big cake and many candies at the party yesterday.

A. was        B. were         C. is          D. are

(   )57.—How would your family like to travel?

—It’s a problem in my family. Mother prefers to take a bus to travel, while father always sticks ______to travel.

A. to drive  B. to driving  C. driving  D. drive

(   )58.Climbing hills ______of great help to our health.

A. was    B. were   C. is   D. are

(   )59.This is _______ difficult problem that few students can work it out.

A. so    B. so a     C. such    D. such a

(   )60.—David has been away for more than 25 days.

--I miss him very much. You know ,25 days _______short.

A. is    B. isn’t  C. are   D. aren’t


阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的)   1 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 2 , but with no success.

When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 3 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 4 spoke.

"There might be something wrong with his 5 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said.

"But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak."

"It's certainly very 6 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day."

7 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 8 word.

Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 9 and said, "Pass me the salt, please."

Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you   10 so long to speak?"

"I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes."

(   )1. A. because       B. when             C. though             D. before

(   )2. A. speak         B. walk             C. play               D. laugh

(   )3. A. taught        B. found            C. examined           D. asked

(   )4. A. never         B. often            C. usually            D. always

(   )5. A. back          B. hair             C. face               D. mind

(   )6. A. unfair        B. strange          C. noisy              D. quiet

(   )7. A. Hours         B. Weeks            C. Months             D. Years

(   )8. A. good          B. right            C. single             D. new

(   )9. A. chair         B. meal             C. hands              D. books

(   )10. A. slept        B. walked           C. served             D. waited


It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 11 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 12. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 13 uncomfortable. It is the same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 14 up and down in order to  15 if there is anything wrong with you. If 16 goes  wrong, you will feel angry with the person who is looking at you. 17 can speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 18. If you wish to draw someone's 19 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they enjoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 20 . Clearly, eye communication should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation.

(   )11. A. future             B. fear             C. experience    D. exercise

(   )12. A. late               B. long             C. low           D. loud

(   )13. A. feel               B. smell            C. sound         D. taste



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