


不断努力学习,丰富自己的知识,下面是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理的初二英语下册期中测试题,希望对大家有帮助。


(   )1.December is the _____month of the year and it’s the _______month of a year.

A   twelfth, last      B   twelve,first        C   twelfth, first      D   twelve,last

(   )2.Tom was born _____ London _____ May 1st, 1989.

A.  in; in B.in; on C.on; in        D.on; on

(   )3.—_____ you at school yesterday?

—No, I _____ at home.

A.Was; wa        B.Were; were C.Were; was D.Was; were

(   )4.— _____ is your teacher’s desk?

—It’s about 140 centimeters long.

A.How far        B.How many C.How wide       D.How long

(   )5.What present did you give Carl _____ his birthday?

A.in B.with C.for D.of

(   )6.—Could you ride a bike when you were 5 years old?


A.Yes, I could.  B.Yes, I couldn’t.

C.Yes, I can.  D.No, I can’t.

(   )7.—Lucy, tomorrow is October 1st. I’m going to Kunming for the holidays(假日).


A.That’s OK.  B.Have a good time. C.Don’t tell me. D.Thank you.

(   )8.—Can you play ping-pong _____ basketball?

—I can play ping-pong.

A.and B.or C.but D.with

(   )9.—I can play the guitar.

— _____ can you do?

—I can also sing English songs.

A.Something else  B.What else C.What   D.Else

(   )10.Would you like _____ shopping with us tomorrow?

A.to go      B.goes C.going D.go

(   )11.— _____ was the tea party las t week?

—It was very nice.

A.How  B.What C.When D.Where

(   )12.—Who went to the park with you yesterday?

—Li Lei _____ .

A.does B.did C.was D.do

(   )13.—Do you enjoy _____ at the party?

—Yes, we do.

A. yourself B. yourselves C. oneself D. myself

(   )14.—Where is the library, Jane?


A. This way, please. B. I don’t know, either.[

C. Sorry, I can’t.     D. Of course I do.

(   )15.—What ti me _____ Lily go to the park yesterday?

—At about eight o’clock.

A. does B. do C. did D. was


Liangliang is a lovely boy. He lives with his grandparents   16   Hefei, Anhui Province. When he   17   2 ye ars old, his parents died (死) in a car accident. He could play   18   when he was 3, and he could play very   19  . But two years ago, there was   20   wrong with his right hand. He couldn’t play   21  .

22   the help of his grandmother, Liangliang could   23   many words with his left hand. And now he   24   write very well. He is   25  . Many people love him very much.

(   )16.A.at  B.in C.on D./

(   )17.A.is  B./ C.was D.be

(   )18.A.the piano B.piano C.the soccer D.pianos

(   )19.A.great B.good C./ D.well

(   )20. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

(   )21.A.a little  B .very much C.very good D.at all

(   )22.A.Under B.With C.At D.Along

(   )23.A.read B.speak C.listen D.write

(   )24.A.can B.could C.was D.is

(   )25.A.lonely B.beautiful C.smart D.boring



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