


我们应当充分发挥组织者和引导者的作用,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初二年级英语下册期中试题,欢迎阅读与选择!

第一部分: 听力(略)

第二部分: 笔试(95分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

(    ) 26. —You look so ________ . Why?

—My mother bought a new schoolbag for me.

A. exciting B. excited C. interesting D. interested

(    ) 27. —Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day. Let’s give a surprise to Miss Gao.


A. Good idea.  B. No, it’s impolite.

C. Yes, you’re right. D. Good news.

(    ) 28. —__________ feels sad sometimes.

—Yes, it’s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.

A. Everyone B. Nobody C. None D. All students

(    ) 29. —I’m afraid of taking bitter medicine.

—Don’t be afraid! Be ________.

A. careful B. quiet C. brave D. clean

(    ) 30.—My brother doesn’t like this TV program.

—Me, too. It makes me ________ to sleep.

A. wanted B. to want C. went D. want

(    ) 31. After a ________ holiday, we’ll work for seven days.

A. two da y B. two days C. two-day D. two-days

(    ) 32. —____________?

—I’d like to book some tickets.

A. What can I do for you B. What do you do

C. What’s up D. What are you doing

(    ) 33.Ann is tall, Lisa is as ______ as her.

A. taller B. tall

C. tallest              D. the tallest

(    ) 34. The little girl is too frightened to know ______.

A. how to do B. what to do C. which to do D. when to do

(    ) 35. The b oy sang and jumped ________  he knew his class won the game.

A. as soon as B. as well as C. though D. so

(    ) 36. —I’m very nervous ______ my teache r asks me questions.

—Take it easy.

A. who B. that C. when  D. where

(    ) 37. —You should work harder from now on ______ you want a bett er life.

A. after          B. if C. because  D. though

(    ) 38. Though Mr. Lee is very ________ with us, we all like him.

A. pleased B. strict C. bored D. satisfied

(    ) 39. You should try to ______ at life. And you’ll get well soon .

A. smile B. laugh C. look D. good

(    ) 40. Jane does homework ______ than Michael.

A. careful  B. carefully

C. more careful     D. more carefully

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(10分)

Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same    41   .

A new    42   -Hi, Ke’ai is on at Beijing Children’s Art Theatre. It tells the story of a  boy called Ke’ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a    43    one day. They teach him to    44    and to play the violin, but Ke’ai doesn’t enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke’ai’s parents see Liu Xiang    45    a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.

“   46    do they want me to be someone else?” Ke’ai asks and says, “I only want to be    47    ”

The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to    48    their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.

Young audiences(观众) enjoy the story, and also the    49    in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, “Ke’ai’s Song” is very    50    to learn, so the audiences can sing the song o n their way home after the play!

(    ) 41. A. jobs B . dreams C. habits D. hobbies

(    ) 42. A. song B. film C. week D. opera

(    ) 43 . A. writer B. teacher C. sportsman D. musician

(    ) 44. A. paint B. write C. speak D. drive

(    ) 45. A. run B. buy C. win D. race

(    ) 46. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where

(    ) 47. A. myself        B. different C. alone D. great

(    ) 48. A. encourage B. understand C. criticize D. inspire

(    ) 49. A. light B. clothes       C. skill D. music

(    ) 50. A. easy B. difficult C. important D. necessary



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