


初中阶段是我们一生中学习的“黄金时期”。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了春八年级英语下期期中检测题,欢迎阅读与选择!

第一部分 听力(略)

第二部 笔 试

第一节 单项选择题(15分)

(  )21. Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. If you don’t go, ________.

A. so do I    B. neither do I    C. neither will I   D. neither was I

(  )22.Kate is ____ girl. She’s very happy at school.

A. a eighteen-year-old       B. an eighteen-year-old

C. an eighteen-years-old     D. a eighteen-years-old

(  )23.--How does Jack usually go to work?

--He _____ drive a car, but now he ______ there to lose weight.

A. used to , is used to walk        B. was used to , is used to waking

C. was used to , is used to walk    D. used to , is used to walking

(  )24. If you have any difficulty, just let us know and we’ll_____.

A. help you out   B. take away   C. keep you out   D. give away

(  )25.--I’ve ____money and can’t buy a new bike.

--Oh, that’s too bad. You have to walk.

A. run out   B. run out of   C. borrowed from    D. lent to

(  )26.I was traveling _____ in the lonely mountains. I didn’t feel______ though I was alone.

A. lonely, lonely   B. alone, lonely   C. alone, alone   D. lonely, alone

(  )27.The ______ child’s life was in danger yesterday, but now he is out of danger.

A. ill   B. illness   C. sick   D. sickness

(  )28.I’m  not feeling _____, I want to see a doctor.

A. good   B. well    C. better   D. unwell

(  )29.—The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult .

—The doctor is right. _____you eat, _____ you will be.

A. The less, the healthier     B. The less, the more healthier

C. The more, the healthier    D. The more, the more healthier

(  )30. --Would you mind ____ in the dining hall?

-- Of course not.

A. not to smoke     B. not smoking      C. smoke      D. not smoke

(  )31. This movie wasn’t ____ . He fell asleep half way through it.

A. interesting enough       B. enough interesting

C. interested enough        D. enough interested

(  )32. You can ____ the book for two weeks. And you should return it on time.

A. borrow    B. lend   C. keep    D. take

(  )33. I found a letter _____ on the floor when I came into the classroom.

A. lying      B. lay    C. lie     D. lies

(  )34. –Let’s go hiking ____ staying at home, shall we?   --A good idea.

A. instead   B. in order to   C. instead of   D. so that

(  ) 35.--What ____ you ____ at this time yesterday evening?

-- I ______homework.

A. were  doing, was doing     B. were doing, was doing my

C. are doing,  was doing      D. were doing, were doing my

第二节 完形填空:(15分)

When I was nine years old, I used to go to the post office with my mother, sending greeting cards to my aunt in Singapore. To me, these trips were really   36   memories. And receiving mail through a mailbox outside our gate was just as exciting. My small hands could   37   get the mail without using a key! I always couldn’t wait to see how much I was   38   . Oh, a letter! From Singapore! I would run back home and show it to my   39   . When there was a letter for me, I wouldn’t run—I would open it right there.

After my family moved back to Singapore, I    40   going to the post office. Years later, my company sent me to Shanghai, and the post office found me again. Two years ago I celebrated my  41   with five friends on top of the mountain in Longsheng, China. At sunrise we   42   up to a beautiful view from the mountain top. Later in the afternoon, as we were going   43   the mountain and returning from the sunrise viewing place, a    44    shop caught our attention(注意). It only sold noodles, coffee and had a China    45   sign.

We asked the owner if she could really send mail. She happily said yes. It seemed hard to believe,   46   we were at the highest top of the mountain. I picked one postcard out and asked my friends to write   47    a birthday note. We bought a stamp, wrote some notes and gave the shop owner the postcard. X Kb1. C om

Three weeks later, I arrived home and  48   my mailbox: Hello, postcard! I broke into a big smile.

That birthday postcard attracted(吸引) me again to the post office and all its delights. I had   49  the post office all these years. Today I   50   send postcards to friends. And every time I am at the post office buying stamps, I cannot help but smile—how one postcard will make its way across the world and brighten up someone’s day.

(    )36.A. bad             B. poor             C. good            D. short

(    )37.A. easily           B. simply            C. hardly           D. specially

(    )38 A. weighing        B. getting            C. selecting         D. accepting

(    )39.A. friend           B. aunt              C. mother          D. owner

(    )40 A. enjoyed         B. stopped            C. hated           D. considered

(    )41 A. wedding        B. return              C.success          D. birthday

(    )42 A. broke           B. woke              C. grew            D. stood

(    )43 A. around          B. over               C. up              D. down

(    )44 A. cold            B. dirty               C. small            D. modern

(    )45 A. Traffic          B. Life               C. Police            D. Post

(    )46 A. because         B. though             C. while             D. when

(    )47 A. him             B. me               C. her               D. them

(    )48 A. bought          B. repaired            C. painted           D. opened

(    )49 A. missed          B. influenced          C. studied           D. visited

(    )50 A. just             B. seldom            C. still               D. never



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