2016年八年级英语下册Unit 4 单元试题(人教版新目标)



学生们在享受学期的同时,也要面对一件重要的事情那就是学习。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了八年级英语下册Unit 4 单元试题,希望对大家有所帮助。

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


(    )21. We lost the game ______ everyone played well.

A. when         B. because         C. until             D. although

(    )22. If you compare her work ______ his, you’ll find hers is much better.

A. for                B. with            C. at                      D. on

(    )23. There’s no coffee — would you like a cup of tea ______?

A. instead          B. neither          C. ever             D. already

(    )24. If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll be happy to ______.

A. explain            B. decide          C. train             D. copy

(    )25. It was a long time before I could get back into a car because I was very ______ about driving again after the accident.

A. excited       B. nervous          C. tired           D. angry

(    )26. His parents allow him ______ a movie once a week.

A. to watch     B. watch            C. watching         D. watched

(    )27. Be nice to him — he is under a lot of ______ these days.

A. pressure     B. independence     C. experience        D. mind

(    )28. He picked up his book and ______ reading.

A. forgot      B. hated            C. continued       D. imagined

(    )29. —Mike found a new job.

—I hope this new job ______ well for him.

A. runs out    B. works out        C. finds out       D. brings out

(    )30. I don’t mind you ______ a dog in the house so long as it’s clean.

A. to push       B. pushing         C. to keep         D. keeping

(    )31. Last night, he offered ______ me home, but I refused.

A. drive       B. to drive         C. driving            D. to driving

(    )32. Everyone had a different ______ on the subject at the meeting.

A. opinion      B. advice          C. decision        D. discussion

(    )33. —______ buy a jacket for your brother on his birthday?

—That’s a good idea.

A. Why not    B. Why           C. How about       D. How to

(    )34. It’s difficult for a small supermarket to ______ with the big supermarkets.

A. share        B. drop            C. compete          D. provide

(    )35. —My cousin always takes my things without asking.

—______, I think.

A. It’s right                         B. It’s not a big deal

C. It’s dangerous                    D. It’s not a good idea

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Do you often talk with your parents about your problems? When you talk to them, will they believe what you say, listen to you and   36   you?

It has   37   to do with both you and your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to, and they are great listeners,    38   some are hard to walk close to. As communication is a two-way street, the   39  you talk can cause different results. So you should follow the advice below.

Be   40  . Tell your parents about what you think, feel, and want as clearly as possible. They will be more helpful if they   41   what you mean and what’s really going on.

Make your parents believe you. If you’re   42   honest (诚实的), your parents will believe what you say. However, if you hardly tell them the truth, it will be difficult for them to believe you.

Try not to    43  . If you disagree with your parents, can you see things   44   your parents’ side? If both you and your parents think for each other, you will be able to talk in a   45   way.

(    )36. A. depend on         B. take after       C. give up         D. agree with

(    )37. A. something        B. nothing         C. everything      D. anything

(    )38. A. or                 B. but             C. so                      D. until

(    )39. A. time               B. place           C. trouble         D. way

(    )40. A. easy               B. different        C. clear            D. loud

(    )41. A. understand        B. change         C. control          D. question

(    )42. A. sometimes        B. always          C. never            D. hardly

(    )43. A. compete          B. explain         C. compare         D. argue

(    )44. A. with               B. from           C. in                D. of

(    )45. A. normal            B. similar         C. friendly         D. lonely



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