


大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了初二年级英语下册Unit4试题,希望同学们不断取得进步!

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


(    )21. We lost the game ______ everyone played well.

A. when         B. because         C. until             D. although

(    )22. If you compare her work ______ his, you’ll find hers is much better.

A. for                B. with            C. at                      D. on

(    )23. There’s no coffee — would you like a cup of tea ______?

A. instead          B. neither          C. ever             D. already

(    )24. If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll be happy to ______.

A. explain            B. decide          C. train             D. copy

(    )25. It was a long time before I could get back into a car because I was very ______ about driving again after the accident.

A. excited       B. nervous          C. tired           D. angry

(    )26. His parents allow him ______ a movie once a week.

A. to watch     B. watch            C. watching         D. watched

(    )27. Be nice to him — he is under a lot of ______ these days.

A. pressure     B. independence     C. experience        D. mind

(    )28. He picked up his book and ______ reading.

A. forgot      B. hated            C. continued       D. imagined

(    )29. —Mike found a new job.

—I hope this new job ______ well for him.

A. runs out    B. works out        C. finds out       D. brings out

(    )30. I don’t mind you ______ a dog in the house so long as it’s clean.

A. to push       B. pushing         C. to keep         D. keeping

(    )31. Last night, he offered ______ me home, but I refused.

A. drive       B. to drive         C. driving            D. to driving

(    )32. Everyone had a different ______ on the subject at the meeting.

A. opinion      B. advice          C. decision        D. discussion

(    )33. —______ buy a jacket for your brother on his birthday?

—That’s a good idea.

A. Why not    B. Why           C. How about       D. How to

(    )34. It’s difficult for a small supermarket to ______ with the big supermarkets.

A. share        B. drop            C. compete          D. provide

(    )35. —My cousin always takes my things without asking.

—______, I think.

A. It’s right                         B. It’s not a big deal

C. It’s dangerous                    D. It’s not a good idea



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