


接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初二年级英语下学期第一单元检测题,请大家一定仔细阅读,会对大家的学习生活带来很大的帮助。

一、单项选择(每小题1 分 ,共 30分)

(    )l.---Could I borrow your dictionary? Of course, you ______________

A. can      B. must       C.should

(    )2. Do you agree   __________    me, Nick?

A. at       B. about       C. with

(    )3. The children are    __________   in studying.

A. interest     B. interesting     C. interested

(    )4. Her father likes  __________dinner but hates__________ the dishes.

A. making; making   B. doing; doing    C. making; doing

(    )5. ---Could I __________  a dictionary from you,David?

---Sorry , I    __________  it to my cousin yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed    B. borrow; lend    C. borrow; lent

(    )6. ---Would you like to go fishing with me?

---Sorry. I have lots of homework _____________  _.

A. to do       B. do        C. doing

(    ) 7.   I'm not going swimming tomorrow afternoon.

. I have to clean up my bedroom.

A. So am I     B. Neither am I   C. Neither I am

(    )8. ---Mary, could you please help me      my baby?

---I am going to do some shopping.

A. look for    B. look at    C. look after

(    )9.  He is tired now. He       stay at home and have a rest.

A. has to      B. had to     C. need

(    )l0. Could you please ___    _ on the road?

A. not to play    B. not play     C. play not

(    )l1. We had to put off  __________   the sports meeting because of the heavy rain

A. have       B. to have      C. having

(    )12. Andrew is   __________  his father in many ways, especially in height.

A. similar to     B. t he same like    C. similar with

(    )13. I enjoy playing computer games, but I can't   __________     too much time   __________      that.

A. take; doing    B. spend; doing   C. spend; on doing

(    )14. Linda used   __________    long hair. Now she has short hair.

A. having      B. to have       C.. has

(    )15. The radio is too noisy. Would you please   __________    a little?

A. turn it down     B. turn it on     C. turn it off

(    )16. You can find ___ difficult to learn English.

A. that   B. this  C. it  D. how

(    )17.______I take some photos in the hall ?No, you _________

A.Can, needn’t        B.Must, mustn”t    C. Could,won’t    D. May,musn’t

(    )18.-What's the matter ________you?

-We have___________.

A.with; a sore throat     B.without; sore throats

C.on;a sore throat     D.with; sore throats

(    )19. I saw him _____ in.

A. come       B. comes      C. came     D. to come

(    )20.I have a lot of homework to do. So I won’t go to bed____I finish it.

A.after  B.until  C.as soon  D.since

(    )21.I got up too late this morning so I went to school ______breakfast

A with    B without     C by        D for

(    )22.The old man  _______all his money to a charity.

He is really great .

A.took away  B.put away  C.went away  D.gave away

(    )23.We are all_____at the____news.

A. surprising;  surprising   B.surprising; surprised

C.surprised;  surprised     D.surprised; surprising

(    )24.  He is a funny boy. He often makes us ________

A to laugh  Blaughing   C laugh   D laughed

(    )25. You can ______how our lives will be if there is no electric.

A. imagine    B. think  C. tell   D. talk

(    )26.Tom, your room is too dirty .You must _______

A. clean up it      B.clean up them

C.clean them up    D. clean it up

(    )27.The old man lives _______,but he does not feel _______

A.alone,alone    B.lonely,lonely    C. lonely, alone  D. alone,lonely

(    )28. How long can I _______the book ? For two weeks .

A. keep    B. borrow       C. lend         D. buy

(    )29. The box is too heavy .I can’t _____it

A. take  B. bring    C.carry      D.fetch

(    )30. This is a nice watch. But she ______ only one hundred dollars for it.

A, spent    B. cost      C. bought   D. paid



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