初二年级英语下学期试卷:Unit 2



多练习,可以使学生增长知识,使学生在学习中做到举一反三。在此威廉希尔app 初中频道为您提供初二年级英语下学期试卷,希望给您学习带来帮助,使您学习更上一层楼!

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分( 略)

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16. (2011•河南中考) ______you wait a few more minutes?It will be your turn soon.

A.Must      B.Could      C.Should     D.Might

17.Anna is my best friend,but we often argue ______ each other.

A.with     B.about     C.at      D.and

18.I don't have any money with me.He doesn't,______.

A.either     B.too      C.also     D.but

19.I need to get some money to ______ summer camp.

A.pay on    B.pay in     C.pay with    D.pay for

20.I'll______the address,and ring you back.

A.look out   B.look for     C.find     D.find out

21.We were ______ when we heard the ______ news.

A.surprised;surprising      B.surprising;surprised

C.surprising;surprising      D.surprised;surprised

22.—You could call him ______.

—I don't want to talk about it ______ the phone.

A.up;in    B.up;on     C.on;on    D.up;by


—I had a fight with my brother.

A.How are you      B.What's wrong

C.Can I help you     D.What will you do

24.Here is a ticket ______ you ______ the football match.

A.for;for   B.for;to     C.to;for    D.to;to

25.—My best friend is more popular than me.What should I do?

—You should ______.

A.try to be funny      B.say sorry to him

C.argue with him      D.not be like him

Ⅴ.完形填空 (10分)

Dear Peter,

Without knowing more about you,it is hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first,I am sure that you are __26__.You said that nobody would care if you left h ome.What about your __27__?And other family members?It seems that you  are very __28__.You'd better go to see a doctor or talk __29__ your parents.They will be able to help you.

Second,I'm sure there's someone else in your class who feels lonely,__30__.You never know __31__ other people feel.Try to make friends with your classmates.And you could __32__ a club to meet new people and make friends,too.

You __33__ find happiness by yourself.So my __34__ advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself,learn to like yourself,and then __35__ will see your confidence (信心) and like you,too.




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