



第Ⅰ卷 听力部分 (略)

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16.After so many years' hard work,Li Na's dream ______ in June,2011.

A.gave up     B.built u p      C.came true      D.worked out

17.—When will the train D51 arrive?

—______a few minutes.

A.In      B.After      C.For      D.Since

18.Everyone will have a cred it card (信用卡) .There ______ any paper money.

A.isn't     B.aren't     C.haven't      D.won't be

19.In some foreign countries,such as Canada,children usually leave their parents when they grow up.It makes the old feel ______.

A.alone     B.lonely     C.enjoyable     D.excited

20.Please pick up the ______.Don't keep it on the floor.

A.water     B.paper     C.books      D.bottles

21.His sister is too young to ______ herself.

A.dress     B.wear     C.put on      D.have

22.—Do you think it's easy to ______ fish?

—No.You have to know something on how to feed them.

A.buy     B.look     C.keep      D.find

23.— Do you like the city life or the country life?

—It's hard to say.In the city there is ______fun,but in the country there is ______ pollution.

A.less;more    B.more;less    C.more;fewer     D.much;less

24.The boss makes the workers ______ long hours every day.

A.work     B.to work     C.works     D.working

25.There are three ______ students in their school.

A.hundreds of    B.hundred of    C.hundreds    D.hundred



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