


兴趣可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了八年级英语上册期末检测试题,欢迎阅读!


(    )1.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _______ the teachers’ relay race.

A.join B.join in C.take part D.have part in

(    )2.The motto of the modern Olympics is “_______”.

A.Fast, high, strong  B.Faster, higher, stronger

C.Faster, high, strong D.Faster, high, stronger

(    )3.The first Olympics started in_______.

A.America B.England C.Greece D.Australia

(    )4.—_______       —The long jump.

A.What sport will you take part in? B.Which sport will you take part in?

C.What are you going to do? D.What’s the matter?

(    )5.Li Ming will take part in the boys’ _______.

A.800-meter race  B.800-meter races

C.800 meter race  D.800-meter-races

(    )6.My foreign friend, Tom, will come to _______.

A.cheer me up  B.cheer up me

C.cheer me on  D.cheer on me

(    )7.—When shall we go to Yunnan?    —Let’s _______ it _______ Monday.

A.make; in B.meet; on C.make; on D.meet; in

(    )8.—What are you going to do tomorrow?     —_______ I _______ go hiking.

A.Maybe; will B.Maybe; want C.May be; will D.May be; want to

(    )9.Don’t sleep all day. You should _______ to keep fit.

A.not eat  B.to run

C.do many exercise  D.do morning exercises

(    )10.—Hi, I’m Xiao Li, I’m very glad to _______ friends _______ you.

—Me too. I’m Xiao Wang.

A.get; like B.make; with C.get; with D.make; to


Mike:Hello!   11


Mike:This is Mike. Hi, Jack. I have two tickets for a basketball match.   12

Jack:I’d love to.   13

A.When shall we meet?

B.See you then.

C.Can I speak to Jack, please?

D.Would you like to go with me?

E.Where shall we meet?

Mike:Let’s make it two.

Jack:  14

Mike:At my home.

Jack:OK.  15

Mike:See you.



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