


丰富的学习生活对自己的帮助非常大,接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的八年级英语期末复习检测试卷,希望会对大家的学习带来帮助!



(  ) 1. —Let's cross the road now, mum.

—No, we _____. We have to wait till the light turns green.

A. couldn't  B. wouldn't  C. mustn't  D. needn't

(   ) 2. The traditions in China are different _____ those in western countries.

A. of   B. for   C. from   D. with

(   ) 3. —May I keep the  book a little longer?

—OK, but you _____ return it to the library before Wednesday.

A. must   B. may   C. can't   D. needn't

(   ) 4. We like Daisy _____ because she is beautiful _____ she is kind and helpful.

A. not only; and      B. not ; but

C. both; or          D. not; and

(   ) 5. The boy _____ a present from his friend, but he didn't ______ it.

A. received; receive       B. accepted; accept

C. accepted; receive       D. received; accept

(   ) 6. It's not polite _____ somebody _____ the head.

A. touching; on            B. to touch; in

C. touching; at             D. to touch; on

(   ) 7. —Must I finish the work today?

—No, you _____. You can have a rest first.

A. must   B. mustn't   C. couldn't   D. needn't

(   ) 8. —What do you think of this book?

—It's boring. There's _____ in it.

A. nothing interesting        B. anything interesting

C. everything interesting       D. something interesting

(   ) 9. —Jenny always talks to people _____.

—Yes, she is really a _____ girl.

A. careful; carefully        B. polite; politely

C. careful; careful          D. politely; polite

(   ) 10. —David got the first prize in the swimming competition.

—______ He isn't good at swimming at all!

A. I'm sorry to hear that.       B. Do you think so?

C. What a surprise!           D. It's bad luck!



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