


学期时间马上就要完结,丰富多彩的秋季学期生活。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了八年级英语第一学期期末训练题,供大家参考。



(    ) 1. My ___ restaurant is just near my home.

A. dre am  B. ideal  C. third  D. favourite

(    ) 2. I would like to invite you to my ___ party.

A. celebration  B. farewell  C. birthday  D. Halloween

(    ) 3. Why not___ to the centre of the town?

A. walk   B. ride   C. go   D. run

(    ) 4. There are two_____ you can take.

A. apples  B. cakes  C. routes  D. taxis

(     ) 5. There is a _____ house between the two modern buildings.

A. large  B. wooden  C. green  D. new


(    ) 6. A. Anywhere in the world.  B. Not the USA.  C. Australia.

(    ) 7. A. I like beaches.   B. Sure.   C.  They are beautiful.

(    ) 8. A. Last Wednesday afternoon.

B. Before I came here.

C. In a shop on Main Street.

(    ) 9. A. Sixth Street.

B. It’s not far from here

C. The post office is on West Street.

(    ) 10 A. When the green light is on.

B. When the red light is on.

C. When we are not busy.


(    ) 11. A. Her study  B. Her balcony.  C. Her bedroom.

(    ) 12. A. It is a very big family.

B. There are five people in her family.

C. There are only two people in her family.

(    )  13. A. They are not new.  B. They are white. C. They are Amy’s.

(    ) 14. A. By bus.  B. On foot  C. By bike.

(    ) 15. A. He was about 11.  B. He was about 9.  C. He was about 14.


(    ) 16. How old is Tom?

A. He is 11.  B. He is 12.  C. He is 13.

(    ) 17. What does Eddie always do when Tom ri des his bike?

A. Eddie always sits on the ground and watches Tom.

B. Eddie always runs after his bike.

C. Eddie always stays at home.

(    ) 18. What does Eddie usually do when Tom is inside the school?

A. Eddie usually plays inside the school.

B. Eddie usually waits outside the school.

C. Eddie usually sleeps under a tree.

(     ) 19. How much do Tom’s classmates like Eddie?

A. They like Eddie only a little.

B. They have no feelings about Eddie.

C. They like Eddie very much.

(    ) 20. Do Tom’s classmates bring anything for Eddie?

A. Yes. They often bring some food fo r Eddie to eat.

B. Yes. They often bring some toys for Eddie to play with.

C. No. They never bring anything for Eddie to eat or play with.



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