


当今社会是一个高速发展的信息社会。生活在信息社会,就要不断地接触或获取信息。如何获取信息呢?威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初二年级第一学期英语期末模拟试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!


A) 从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。

(    )1. Which is Kate’s favourite season?

A.      B.       C.

(    )2.  What happened in Helen's home town?

(    )3. What’s the weather like?

(    )4.  Which bird does the woman like best ?

(    )5. Where's Susan's father?

B) 听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。

(    ) 6. Who runs fastest?

A. Lucy.           B. Ann.   C. Lily.

(    ) 7. When will the supermarket close?

A. At 5:00.   B. At 5:15.  C. At 4:45.

(    ) 8. What subjects will the boy work hard at next term?

A. English and Physics      B. Maths and Geography

C. History and English

(    ) 9. What was the woman doing when the man saw her just now?

A. She was searching for some photos on the Internet.

B. She was discussing the project.

C. She was talking with Lucy.

(    ) 10. Why did the man’s daughter go to London?

A. To study.  B. To have a holiday.  C. To visit her friends.

(    ) 11. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In a shoe shop.  B. In a clothes shop. C. At a bookshop.



(    ) 12. What’s the weather like in spring in Wuhan?

A. It is often rainy.      B. It is often sunny.   C. It is often windy.

(    ) 13. Why do children like snow?

A. Because they like making snowmen.

B. Because they like cold weather.

C. Because they like snowball fights.


(    ) 14. Where was the bear from?

A. A forest.   B. A Zoo.   C. A mountain.

(    ) 15. How many people got hurt?

A. Only one.      B. Five.      C. Twenty.

(    ) 16. What was the man's friend doing?

A. He was enjoying the beautiful view.    B. He was having some food.

C.He was having a rest.


(    ) 17. Whose home caught a fire?

A. Mr. Black’s  B. Mrs. Green’s D. We don’t know.

(    ) 18. What caused the fire?

A. Car accident.       B. Stoves.        C. Lightning.

(    ) 19. When did the house caught fire?

A. In the morning.    B. In the afternoon.    C. In the evening

D)听一篇短文, 请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。听两遍。

A school trip on Saturday

Morning First Many boys are   20

Then Girls are singing and dancing.

We are sitting by a lake and some are   21

Finally We are watching animals in the zoo.

Afternoon We are visiting    22    .

(    )20. A. getting on the bus    B. having breakfast     C. climbing the hill

(    )21. A. drawing       B. swimming       C. drinking water

(    )22. A. factories            B. the museum        C. a market


Be in harmony (和谐) with wild animals

Some people think  that all wild animals are dangerous.

In fact  very    23    of wild animals will hurt a man if he leaves them alone.

Wild animals only hurt people   when they are too    24    to catch their usual food.

 when their babies are in    25   .

 when people hunt them or make them angry.

23. _______________    24. _______________  25. __________________


(    ) 26. When did Peter visit Spain?

A. Last month.      B. Last year.           C. Last week.

(    ) 27. How did Peter go to Spain?

A. By car.          B. By train.            C. By plane.

(    ) 28. How do English people drive?

A. They drive on the left.    B. They drive on the right.

C. They drive in the middle.

(    ) 29. What happened to Peter when he was crossing the street?

A. A car hit him.        B. A taxi knocked him down.

C.  A bike knocked him down.

(    ) 30. What was the old man selling?

A. Maps.              B. Caps.            C. Cats.



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